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  1. the_fiend

    2019 mid-year highlights thread

    6 months of 2019 are up (and a bit), it's time for this annual thread. I haven't heard much new music this year (as every other year). But here are a few that I enjoyed. Excellent : October Tide - In Splendor Below Abbath - Outstrider Fractal Universe - Rhizomes Of Insanity Kryptos -...
  2. the_fiend

    Highlights of the year - 2017 edition

    With the new Morbid Angel album finally out and terrible, and no other major releases scheduled this year (that I know of)... it's time for top-10/20/74632867 lists for 2017. Highlights (In no particular order after the top 2) : Immolation - Atonement Mors Principium Est - Embers of a Dying...
  3. the_fiend

    Awesome live performances thread

    This thread is to share and index excellent live musical performances by bands. I just found out about this and I'm surprised that I hadn't seen this live version till date. Instant classic for me.
  4. the_fiend

    Edge Of Sanity remaster coming out?

    So, i was just reading when i stumbled upon "Edge Of Sanity (remastering)" in the list. Anyone knows what's up with that? Unorthodox? Nothing but death remains?
  5. the_fiend

    Happy Birthday Dan

    I hope you have an awesome day and a hard rocking year ahead. I mean, this IS the last year you would be in your 30s. ;)
  6. the_fiend


    Although it would be around 4 more hours before it begins in Sweden, i'm already celebrating the annual Dan Swano day here in India. Will post the cake pics when i'm done eating (Although that cake was for my birthday which was on 9th :P ). Happy Birthday, Dan. :Smokin: Have a great one. I...
  7. the_fiend

    List of possible songs for a special Dan treantment

    FOR PEOPLE NOT AWARE WHAT THIS IS ABOUT :REFER TO THIS LINK FIRST Please add up your suggestions in the thread. No repeats. Once we have enough songs here, we can put them in a poll and then vote. The reason for doing this are : - A poll listing songs from just 1 person in not fair and must...
  8. the_fiend

    Amon Amarth in India

    There has been this certain buzz around in the indian metal scene that amon amarth is coming. Recently some dates have popped up as well. And johan's 10 day or so old interview also gives some weight to the rumours...
  9. the_fiend


    is the first cd that "I" have ever bought... officially!!! all the CDs i had bought in the past had been of my parents' money... i just earned some money off freelancing and shit jobs and i just ordered 2 copies from blackmark (obviously, one for playing and one for the showcase)... Edit ...
  10. the_fiend

    Swedish Metal Scene in general

    has degraded in quality from where i say it... now, i'm not exactly a swedish metal encyclopedia but going by the recent swedish band releases that i have heard, it's not quarter as good as it sounded before... take the 2008 albums by bloodbath, dismember (sans under the bloodred sky) and...
  11. the_fiend

    supercheap infestdead/darkcide EP

    just came across this, so i thought i'd put this up for interested people...
  12. the_fiend

    Dan Swano Goodies

    erm, i'm (kind of) new to the swanoism religion and i've been reading many old threads in the forum lately... and from what i have figured out, dan had put up some unreleased bootlegs and demos on his website which is now defunct... so the point is, *cough* i don't have all that stuff and...
  13. the_fiend

    Another 15:36 question

    erm... why is the song named so? i tried googling to no relevent info... btw, i'm breaking all reconds with this one on