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  1. BloodDrift

    Happy birthday Andrew

    And today it's your turn to be blessed with a fantastic year. Happy birthday man, enjoy it.:cool:
  2. BloodDrift

    Happy birthday Jayson!!

    :heh: happy birthday cobba !! :)
  3. BloodDrift


    Looking for some updates fellas! :)
  4. BloodDrift

    Congrats Chris !

    :kickass: welcome to the band Chris. You're an awesome guitarplayer
  5. BloodDrift

    Elements of Rock 2009

    Looking forward to the gig guys !! (Hope you guys are playing on Saturday) It will be an honour to play the same stage as you guys. (my band Blood Drift will be playing too).
  6. BloodDrift

    Happy Newyear guys

    Hey guys, a happy newyear !! what can we expect from inExordium in 2009 ?
  7. BloodDrift

    Album came in !

    The album came in ^^ (5/100) Thanks guys.:Smokin:
  8. BloodDrift

    Interview/Review online inExordium is technically not a christian band, yet does appreciate the support of the christian metalscene. They agreed to do an interview, so please read it, as far as I know it's the first inExordium review published. (some Paramaecium reviews have been written too)
  9. BloodDrift


    I guess I can make a thread on them, since 2 members are in both bands :) I just LOVE that EP, didn't have a lot of time to listen to it while in Australia, or the immediate days after, but I've been listening to that EP for the last couple of days and I am loving this stuff so much !!
  10. BloodDrift


    I am Matt, 19y old and from Belgium. Joined up mainly for the InExordium bandforum, but will probably be checking out many other forums here. Main interests : Beer and Metal. :kickass: I'm in a band myelf called Blood Drift. Cheers
  11. BloodDrift

    Me and Inexordium

    Sad Jason de Ron wasn't available. Still was great hanging out with the guys