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  1. Kozmos

    True Black Metal in Camden, Nov 30th...

    Fluisterwoud Archaicus Niroth
  2. Kozmos

    Detonation to hit the UK!!

    Two futher dates to DungeonFest complete the mini-tour. Not to be missed!!!... check out MP3s here
  3. Kozmos

    DungeonFest 28th -29th June

    It's going to be awesome :)
  4. Kozmos

    The truth about the rescue of Private Jessica Lynch Compare to the details in the front page stories of the time.... if you can remember...
  5. Kozmos

    Sunday April 27th Gig @ The Verge: Desolation, GORE, Hexxed, Skaldic Curse

    SnakeNet Sinister Gathering in association with Oran Mór: Date: Sunday April 27th, starting at 7PM. Venue: Camden - The Verge (Kentish Town Road) Bands: Desolation GORE Hexxed Skaldic Curse This gig acts as the GORE launch party for their debut album 'Gone Fishing' so make sure you're...
  6. Kozmos

    Shock and Awe: Hidden meanings (?)

    Shock 'n' Awe = Shekh-in-ah Take a look at this link for background on Israel's Operation Shekhinah We never really saw the predicted Shock 'n' Awe. Maybe it was never meant that way. Maybe we are watching Operation Shekhinah by Proxy...
  7. Kozmos

    World War IV: US v Arab World

    James Woolsey, ex-CIA director and candidate for information minister in US occupied Iraq, declares World War IV on the Arab world (for the benefit of the Arab people, of course):
  8. Kozmos

    Anyone else see the Live 4 Metal April Fool?

    Only saw it today but it really hits the spot Live 4 Metal Bought Out By Mean Fiddler We are so goddam good, it had to happen: Music giants The Mean Fiddler who own venues such as The Astoria and the Mean Fiddler made us an offer we couldn't refuse, and being the corporate cocksuckers we...
  9. Kozmos

    Chirpy: this is sooooo fucked up....

    ....fucking wierd animation in which a small bird ends up getting fucked by a horse
  10. Kozmos

    US Bomb Hospital in Baghdad

    More Iraqis 'liberated' of their arms, legs and children:;jsessionid=LK00DT3BQAXA2CRBAEOCFFA?type=focusIraqNews&storyID=2494845
  11. Kozmos

    How good is your Middle East Geography?

    Find out here: I got a couple of ex-USSR states mixed up.
  12. Kozmos

    Iraq Body Count
  13. Kozmos

    What are you? I'm a caged hooch who loves to worship hookers!
  14. Kozmos

    Do you trust the mainstream media reporting in Iraq?

    This is essential reading: Pentagon threatens to kill independent reporters in Iraq For those who answer 'Yes', I would be interested in you giving reasons why - and I don't mean replies like 'well who do you trust then?', I mean a simple answer to the simple question: why do you trust the...
  15. Kozmos

    Vietnam 2 Pre-Flight Check

    VIETNAM 2 PREFLIGHT CHECK 1. Cabal of oldsters who won't listen to outside advice? Check. 2. No understanding of ethnicities of the many locals? Check. 3. Imposing country boundaries drawn in Europe, not by the locals? Check. 4. Unshakeable faith in our superior technology? Check. 5...
  16. Kozmos

    Excellent article on journalism in the war Deeply Embedded The Pentagon and the news media set the sheets on fire. We’ve all seen a version of the scene in the movies before. The two lusty young leads finally find themselves alone after the agonizing sexual cat-and-mouse game...
  17. Kozmos

    Join the war on 'terrorism'

  18. Kozmos

    A different perspective on Iraq, Oil, US wars etc.

    Interesting read:
  19. Kozmos

    Gulf War Drinking Game

    the gulf war two drinking game drink when: bush is called a crusader x2 if its by saddamsaddam is called evil x2 if its by bushiraq troops surrender to the media x2 if to a unmanned vehicle or inanimate objectiraq uses weapons it claims not to havethe united states uses weapons it won't allow...
  20. Kozmos


    The total insanity of GORE's debut album 'Gone Fishing' is soon to be unleashed on an unsuspecting world. Go here for 3 MP3s. ...and don't forget to visit the website for updates on what's happening in Goruguay