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  1. Jerry Jabber

    M.O.D. is over with...again I don't get it? Did the new guys in M.O.D. piss off Billy? Anyone have the scoop on what happened?
  2. Jerry Jabber

    Did Romney shoot himself in the foot with the 47% comment While there is some truth to what Romney is saying, that people need to be responsible, take care of themselves, compared to those that do nothing (not paying income taxes, etc...) and expect the government to take care of them, not everyone...
  3. Jerry Jabber

    4 Americans killed in Libya Didn't we just help these people out, and now, because some asshole makes an anti-muslim film, that gives them the right to attack & kill innocent people? Bunch of fucking...
  4. Jerry Jabber

    Cringe-inducing typo outside N.C. school The literacy in NC?:lol:
  5. Jerry Jabber

    Republican National Bondage Club Committee It's bad enough that our country is still in rough shape, but can't we get some decent politicians in this country?
  6. Jerry Jabber

    Hutaree militia Great, more nut cases in America. Glad these freaks were caught. They should kill themselves and join other christian nut cases like Jim Jones & David Koresh.
  7. Jerry Jabber

    Where's Billy?

    Anybody have any news on Billy? Last word on here was that Billy was starting a new band.
  8. Jerry Jabber

    Friday The 13th- remake 2009

    Here's the trailer for the F.T.13th remake coming out 2/13/2009.
  9. Jerry Jabber


    Today is September 11th. It's been 7 years since the terrorists launched mutilple attacks on our country that day. I know some of us have our petty differences, but most of us here are either Americans or live in foreign countries that have friends who are Americans. Just take a moment of your...