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  1. Dischord

    Just back from DOA

    And Mark and Rikard were there, and you guys are uber cool! Was really killer jamming with you guys and talking to you in person like that! Pics: That's all I have at the moment, but those are from the DOA archive...I'll post my own pics shortly! Dean...
  2. Dischord

    Any drummers or female singers in Texas?

    Forming a new band in the Austin area, and these are key ingredients to a successful band... Have original material already written and such, just need someone willing to fill the empty slots in the band. Our style is basically a mix of Death, King Diamond, Arch Enemy and Nightwish...there...
  3. Dischord

    Question for Mark!

    Hey man...if my black gold V comes only in the regular size...well wanna trade for your supersized bgV? Figured I HAD to ask...that thing looks absolutely killer
  4. Dischord

    Musicians, post your gear!

    OK here are a few of my babies! And of course I'm using a 1984 Crate slant 4X12 cabinet that came with the old G-1500 head (which I no longer use) and a Peavey XXL head currently, though I'm saving for an ENGL Powerball...
  5. Dischord

    For those interested

    Hope you like. Will update with some new songs (using old ones for now) in the near future.
  6. Dischord

    Hey Mark

    :loco: You want to play this: Trans blue, just like you like it...sorry about the bolt-on...but it's a Czech made Euro! Sweet guitar... *follow the swinging ball* You will come to will come to will come to Texas ROFLMAO Sorry but if all else fails...bribery...
  7. Dischord

    Newfound appreciation for an old song

    The Moors...I mean I've been working my ass off trying to replicate Chris Broderick's solo in Take to the Sky lately (I refuse to play any cover song if I can't do it justice, but MAN Chris is a beast!) and I recently uploaded my entire CD collection onto an external hard drive (this way it...
  8. Dischord

    A link

    To some gear pics if you guys are interested: Enjoy
  9. Dischord

    New to the Jag Panzer forum

    But not the Ultimate Metal forum community. New fan of Jag Panzer...thanks Mark for the Casting the rock...and bought two other titles today. Mechanical Warfare also kicks ass...hope to see you guys in Texas! Also want to say congratulations to Mark on his new status as Dean...
  10. Dischord

    I'm an American who just discovered COB

    And all I can say is...WOW...amazing...I've been a metalhead since the 80's, and my favorite bands always were bands like Carcass, Mercyful Fate, King Diamond, Arch Enemy, Death, etc. These guys definitely earned a place among such acts, and I applaud their efforts...KEEP ON CRANKING IT OUT, or...
  11. Dischord

    Did anyone else notice...

    That the vocal style on the song St. Anger is melodically the same as Return to Hangar? Sounds like the boys are ripping people off again... Hypocrites
  12. Dischord


    You guys blew me away...I heard Freecard recently on a compilation CD I bought a while back (Metal Kid)....wooooowwww...going to look for more stuff from you guys!!! YOU ROCK!@!!
  13. Dischord

    American Pigdog discovers HELLA BAND!!

    You guys rock...been promoting you guys everywhere I go...and I even heard Andy LaRocque was behind the scenes for you guys too...too cool!!! Keep LETTING THE METAL FLOW guys....and I'll keep spreading the word through the US of A!!!
  14. Dischord

    Favorite Carcass song?

    For me: HEARTWORK!!!! !:rock: :Shedevil: :hotjump::hotjump:!:OMG::yow:
  15. Dischord

    Withered Beauty?

    Ever hear of them? If not, check out Immortality is Mine (Killer song)
  16. Dischord

    King Diamond ABIGAIL II

    Any reviews on this monster of mayhem? Personally, it is no Abigail, but it still kicks A$$ Lineup: King Diamond vox (duh) Andy LaRocque guitar (duh) Mike Wead guitar (from MF's Dead Again and 9) Hal Patino bass (from KD's Them/Conspiracy) Bill Thompson drums I like it, and I own it...