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  1. Murky

    Alexi passed away

    Fucking hell, this came out of nowhere. I can't even begin to explain how much I owe to him and his music. I can follow so much of my life, through chain reactions or whatever, back to hearing him and Bodom for the first time. I hope he knew how much he meant to everyone. Rest in peace.
  2. Murky

    COB Interviews

    tbf cleaning toilets is pretty good
  3. Murky

    COB Interviews

    There been any word from Alexi since the big CoB fb post the other week?
  4. Murky

    So can somebody ban this Tantrikbest guy?

    Then again, it's probably not as awful as the discussions we normally have, haha.
  5. Murky

    New Children of Bodom Album in 2015

    The end of days. again.
  6. Murky

    Album Idea

    I agree with the pentatonic stuff completely. Hell, even in videos where he's playing actual recorded songs, he tends to improvise the solos and play the same bluesy lick. I think he said in an interview once that solos were just an excuse to show off and that's always been the case with...
  7. Murky

    Joonas is missed.

    This place never changes and I love it.
  8. Murky


    Sup, nerds. I need new music and have just finished making some of my own, so figured we could all share our bands and get all intimate with each other x
  9. Murky

    Learning to play metal keyboard?

    It's definitely a tricky one, but the way I learned was by basically transferring my guitar skills onto the keyboard. If you work out what tuning you feel most comfortable in first, or what most songs you wanna learn are in, you can starting working in it and really get to grips with it. I...
  10. Murky

    COB Fall tour rumor thread

    I hope they come back to the UK and head up to Scotland. I remember being so pissed off when Wintersun announced a UK tour and it was pretty much only England and an Irish date.
  11. Murky

    The official and most atmospheric Children of Joonas thread

    Jeez, now you know that's just bollocks! You just reword the same crap every single post and it annoys people who're waiting for news. That's the very tip of the iceburg but you have to understand that much at least? Nothing ever changes around here, haha
  12. Murky

    Live Videos Thread

    I can't even imagine that. If I ever get enough money...
  13. Murky

    Keyboard player's available

    Join Morlich. I'm being deadly serious.
  14. Murky

    Time for the Seventh Album!

    I can believe it's taken me so long to get round to hearing this. I'm really looking forward to it!
  15. Murky

    COB Interviews

    I know it's MEGA EARLY DAYS, but I'm really interested in where CoB will go with their next album. No point talking about it yet, though.
  16. Murky

    TAB Thread.

    I'm also looking for a decent Shadow Island tab!
  17. Murky

    Sell/Trade/Wanted Amon Amarth items

    Aye, they're great guys, they'll sign anything. I got Johan's autograph when I saw them in Glasgow. Fucking awesome guy. As for whether they'll have picks with them, they most definitely will. We guitarists always have a pick on them "JUST IN CASE". Just in case what, however, nobody knows. I...
  18. Murky

    COB Interviews

    It wasn't a dig directly at you, dawg.
  19. Murky

    COB Pics

    Everything in life could do with more of these. So much this.
  20. Murky

    COB Interviews

    Jeez, nothing changes on here! OMG COB WAS BETR OMG DEY SHIT NOW. OMG NEW COB IS KLR. Fuck off, man! The new album is good as fuck and I can totally hear that old school feel in the music, even if they use drop tunings for xtra br4tal1ty