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  1. Dave - Power of Omens

    My Solo (New Age/Flamenco) CD... completed

    Well, I guess I'm only a month late... LOL!!! ;) My follow up CD, *Mi Rosa Blanca*, released February 3rd, 2009... is finally available directly through me using paypal as well as CD Baby (available in CD and MP3 formats... please keep in mind, the samples are very low quality to keep...
  2. Dave - Power of Omens

    My Solo (New Age/Flamenco) CD... completed

    That's awesome!!! Thanks so much... I'm so glad you're enjoying the 1st disc... hopefully you'll like this one just as much. :) I guess I should have posted the new release on here as well... it feels like it's been forever since I visited this forum. ~D
  3. Dave - Power of Omens

    R.I.P. Matt Williamson

    It has been quite a while since I've visited this page... so please accept my sincerest aplogies to those who have posted and not received a reply. I will do my best to get to these soon. However it comes with great saddness to announce the passing of one of my dearest friends... Matt...
  4. Dave - Power of Omens

    Happy Birthday Dave!!

    Thank you all so much for the b-day wishes!!!! It was probably one of the best birthday's I've EVER had!!!! :) We had an absolutely awesome night, and the show was probably the most awesome performance of my life... it was literally magical for me. I so wish you all could have been there...
  5. Dave - Power of Omens

    News Regarding Power of Omens

    To all of our devoted fans… It comes with great sorrow, the news I’m about to bring you. For almost 12 years, this band has consistently found ways to be unique and always move against the grain, never trying to follow in anyone’s shadow… but in doing so, the band also found itself always...
  6. Dave - Power of Omens

    Upcoming shows

    I think that would be cool... it's been way too long since we've played Chicago. :rock: The last show we played was May 3rd, 2003 at the Robb's MetalWorks Showcase. Last year Watchtower played it, and this year (this past weekend actually) I believe it was Solitue Aeturnus. Robb video taped...
  7. Dave - Power of Omens

    Upcoming shows

    That's the one. ~D
  8. Dave - Power of Omens

    Upcoming shows

    Sounds very interesting... I just may have to check that out... especially with Zonder on there. :) As for the DVD, I pretty much do those as people request them. :) Did the last one go bad??? ~D
  9. Dave - Power of Omens

    New fan again

    That's too bad you live so far from us... but I might actually have some news in regards to that... ;) So how long have you been playing??? Who are some of your favorite keyboardists??? ~D
  10. Dave - Power of Omens

    Upcoming shows

    It would be great to come up and play NC... we just might take you up on that offer when we start putting shows together. ;) ~D Hey Dave, great to see you on here again...To be honest, I've never heard of them... who would you say they sound like?? ~D
  11. Dave - Power of Omens

    Anything new?

    Actually, I have replied... have you not been getting my responses?? Either way, I've had a link on this forum for quite a while now with sound clips of new material: At the moment, I dont have anything more than I can post... or shall I...
  12. Dave - Power of Omens

    New fan

    New friends are definitely AWESOME!!!!! :cool: As of right now, I'm feeling alot better, but I'm really starting to think that I'm allergic to Dallas... LOL!!! :tickled: ~D
  13. Dave - Power of Omens

    Upcoming shows

    Actually, we do plan on playing as soon as the CD is completed, which we're hoping for a late summer completion. We were in the middle of committng to an event that was going to happen in Houston for the Fall, but it seems that got post-poned now for possibly early Spring 2006. :erk: Despite...
  14. Dave - Power of Omens

    New fan again

    Well a song like Test of Wills was written in rehearsals as jam sessions. Every rehearsal, we'd record ourselves just improvising on ideas... we'd then go back and listen to the recordings, find all the cool ideas and start building the song. Test of Wills was actually a concept from the very...
  15. Dave - Power of Omens

    New fan again

    Welcome to our forum!!! As always, it's so awesome to hear from new fans!! :) Unfortunately, it gets a bit quiet around here sometimes, but hopefully with more fans coming in and posting, as well as some of the news we'll be sharing soon, things will start to pick up around here again. :)...
  16. Dave - Power of Omens

    New fan

    Very very cool!!! Welcome to our forum man!!!! We are definitely from Texas, and have mainly played shows only in the area... although we did play the very first US ProgPower in Lansing, IL a couple of years back. Right now we don't have any shows planned since we're working on the 3rd CD, but...
  17. Dave - Power of Omens

    Happy Birthday, Chris Salinas!

    Heya Chris, Happy Birthday man!!!! Hope it was a good one. ~Dave
  18. Dave - Power of Omens

    With these words

    Not a problem....glad it worked ;) ~d
  19. Dave - Power of Omens

    With these words

    Try downloading this zip file: Hope this works!!! ~D
  20. Dave - Power of Omens

    With these words

    Tell ya what.. I'll upload the program when I get home, to our server and will post a link here so you can try downloading it from our site. :) Hope that'll work for you. ~D