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  1. J

    Phasing problems!

    Two mics?
  2. J

    DI routing question?

    So i wanna buy a DI box for reamping. After ive tracked my DI tracks on my daw can i just use the headphones 1/4 stereo output on my maudio firewire solo interface to the DI BOX then to amp? Then of course mic the amp up and run it back to the interface. I wanna make sure i got the routing...
  3. J

    QuadForm (Metal/Post Metal/Instrumental)

    This is available now for $5 bones. Thanks for the support.
  4. J

    QuadForm (Metal/Post Metal/Instrumental)

    Hey guys, Just finished recording my album. I would appreciate some Likes and listens if you find time. Medium pace chuggy dissonant stuff with alot of lead harmonizing. From Grand Rapids, MI Thanks a bunch!
  5. J

    Any tone suggestions? ENGL Direct/RedwirezIR

    Rectov30 sm57 capedgeoffaxis-1 and capedge-2 I believe. Thanks! Edit: Actually those are wrong. On that clip i used Rectov30/sm57/ cap 0.5 & CapEdge 3inch
  6. J

    Any tone suggestions? ENGL Direct/RedwirezIR

    Been tweaking my Engl e530 again, wondering what you guys think? Mostly looking for feedback on the rhythm tone. Any feedback would be appreciated. No bass guitar in the mix. engl/interface/redwirez Dual tracked.
  7. J


    Ya theres no bass guitars in there. I think i added a bit more bass then needed to make up for it. I got a little boost (2db) at 5-6kish already and a cut at like 500-600hz (2db). Ill try a little around 8-10k I bet if i just lowered the bass a tinny bit on my preamp i should be alright with...
  8. J


    Hey guys, im just wondering if theres any frequencies i should boost or cut on this guitar tone here? Dont mind the shitty ezdrummer, my sd2.0 is down for a couple days due to hard drive failure. Just a little snipplet i did after work tonight.
  9. J

    Tone check

    I was having a bit of trouble with unwanted "shrill" so i turned done my treble some on my pre because thats where its coming from. Just wondering if it sounds too muffled now? And if so, what freq should i boost around you think? These monitor and headphones i have lie. Ill take advice on the...
  10. J

    I think I'm getting better. Input?

    Sounds good, now do a vocal track for me :\
  11. J


    That clean tone with my shit reminds me of the band Frantic Bleep. Thank its possible? Its sounds good either way.
  12. J


    Sounds pretty rad Master, im really liking these clean tone parts. I was just telling this guy how i thought clean tone vocals would never fit my shit. Im almost wondering how the whole thing would sound with those progressivish clean vocals...
  13. J


    Sounds rad, i like the direction you went with the clean tone.
  14. J


    No rush bra.
  15. J


    Got a couple tracks here im working on, some of you may have heard the stuff before. Im looking for someone who would like to write and record a vocal track/s for either or both of these tracks. Im pretty open to styles, im willing to let whoever take a crack at em. You would be responsible...
  16. J

    Big metal tone test on youtube! - Cannibal Corpse, Deftones, In Flames and more !!!

    I didnt find most of these very accurate but good job non the less.
  17. J

    Tone Test (Engl e530 + Impulsy)

    Naa i didnt make em. I have no idea what speakers they are. I got em off here somewhere, im sure someone could shed some light on it. Awesome4pulse and Grind
  18. J

    Tone Test (Engl e530 + Impulsy)

    These two. Quad tracked 100%/80%L = Grind etc
  19. J

    Tone Test (Engl e530 + Impulsy)

    Sweet, thanks guys.