Search results

  1. SethTheGreat

    Kiesel Custom?

    I haven't seen anyone on this forum talking about Kiesel/Carvin's new stuff? Anyone have any experience with them? I'm thinking about picking up a multiscale AM7, but I've never seen one in real life. Thoughts?
  2. SethTheGreat

    Speaker buzz!

    I used to have similar problems and I stopped it by plugging my monitors into a plug strip that doesn't have a ground. Not the greatest solution, but it worked :D Also try ground lifts if available on your hs50s/interface. I'm assuming you've tried turning off your 2nd monitor.
  3. SethTheGreat

    Kemper Remote Control

    Just got the Kemper branded foot switch. It is awesome. I say if your budget allows, it's at least worth some heavy consideration. It's built like a tank, and I didn't do a lot of shopping for alternatives, but I'm pretty sure it's got a lot of "exclusive" functionality.
  4. SethTheGreat

    how do keep track of dongles?

    I really like this one.. Yep... I'm going with this one! Thank you! I'm at that point... I've been thinking of switching to logic so I don't have to deal with it at all anymore, but I reallllly like Slate plugs so.. Doesn't really solve the problem unless I am ok with giving up Slate too :/
  5. SethTheGreat

    how do keep track of dongles?

    I guess this post is aimed at those who do their work on a laptop.. I've lost my iLok/steinberg eLicenser for the last time. I HAVE to do something about it (when I find them...) My wife really likes going places, visiting friends/family, etc... So I get the most work done (and keep a...
  6. SethTheGreat

    Crate FW120h for recording/Reamping

    For the record, my real life experiences are close to identical to Manicompression's. I have played with and heard many many Crate solid state amps. You can get a nice-ish clean tone out of many of them, but not usually any kind of usable distorted tone at a reasonable volume, and I think I...
  7. SethTheGreat

    Crate FW120h for recording/Reamping

    ? Is that a thing?
  8. SethTheGreat

    Need a replacement speaker for my subwoofer

    You could get the blown speaker reconed
  9. SethTheGreat

    Multisample snare like "black album"

    "Simply does not work on my computer" is not a thing that can happen. If your computer meets minimum requirements, it will work. Something fixable is going on. A number of people on the this forum are fairly tech savvy, if you want to see if we can help? Want to provide info about what's...
  10. SethTheGreat

    Custom guitar shops?

    In my experience, Warmoth is awesome. I've never had them put one together for me before though, I've always ordered parts and put it all together myself. It's very simple as long as you can do some light soldering. Edit: I should mention that they allow you enough freedom, that you could put...
  11. SethTheGreat

    GClip on Mac? YES!

    Note for everyone: If the plugin becomes unresponsive, try mousing over the little red 'x' in the plugin window and it should become responsive again. Works for me consistently. Also maybe post here that you're having the same issue and/or email the graham at GVST. He can't fix the bugs if he...
  12. SethTheGreat

    GClip on Mac? YES!

    Ahh ha! Thank you! Seems a little bit buggy on Yosemite so far, but this is still awesome. It's not crashing Cubase or anything, but the Gclip interface becomes unresponsive here and there. Let's test the crap out of this and give GVST some feedback?
  13. SethTheGreat

    GClip on Mac? YES!

    I don't see it on the beta downloads page
  14. SethTheGreat

    GClip on Mac? YES!

    I still haven't gotten Gclip working. Was messing with winebottler, but I can't find anything on how to wrap a .dll without a corresponding .exe. I wish I knew more about writing VSTs. Has anyone tried this?
  15. SethTheGreat

    Recording Bass in higher tuning then melodyne it down!

    This is guitars in drop C, Kemper pitch shifted to A, bass in drop D, Kemper pitch shifted to A.
  16. SethTheGreat

    Geeeaaaar fooooor saaaaallllle

    I thought I would post this here before I head over to craigslist since I like you guys better. I'm going to want actual value for these, so bargain shoppers look elsewhere :D Please feel free to make a reasonable offer! (I'm in the North Texas/DFW Area. I'm not too interested in shipping for...
  17. SethTheGreat

    5150 Issue

    What is your 5150's power output jack connected to while you're reamping?
  18. SethTheGreat

    5150 Issue

    Sorry man, holidays, family, etc... anyway, that basically rules out the 5150 unless you've got some ridiculous power issue at the outlet (much less likely). How are you certain that all the studio gear is fine? I'm guessing it's the maxon, or maybe the reamp box. Take those out of the equation...
  19. SethTheGreat

    5150 Issue

    So the same thing happened with two different 5150s?