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  1. jjmannford

    Hmmm... Is all hope lost?

    Fellas... Great to hear from you. Hopefully things are looking up in your normal lives. Tough times, we all know... Hopefully you can all find a little sunshine. Doug, Tahoe.. sweet. Bet you and Ted have a great time there. Pre-kid, my buddies and I would always go out...
  2. jjmannford

    i have too say it!

    With friends like these, who needs enemies.. Ok, you didn't like them, so maybe you should keep it to yourself. Personally, I dig them, and wish Doug would maybe polish'em up, and release a few for downloads. Yea it ain't 'Enchant' but it never was intended to be. Do I want more Enchant...
  3. jjmannford

    I think I can make it, who's gonna be there

    Its 7:30pm EST and I am holed up in a hotel room watching SpongeBob. Let me explain my wonderful day. I start off on my 11hr trek to Hotlanta @ 6:30am this morning. I make it 5hrs down the road to Christiansburg, Va for gas. When pumping, I noticed coolant leaking. I opened the hood and...
  4. jjmannford

    I think I can make it, who's gonna be there

    Hey Everyone, I think I am going to be able to make it to the show tomorrow nite. Everyone in my family thinks I am absolutely insane for driving 11hrs down tomorrow, and then hurrying right back home on Friday, but, hey, its ENCHANT! Hope to see all of YA'LL (in my best Atlanta accent)...
  5. jjmannford

    Now listening

    It Bites --- The Tall Ships Track: The Wind that Shakes the Barley Awesome Disc... but anything from John Mitchell is top notch
  6. jjmannford

    Thank You

    Damn.... wish I was there. Sweet setlist. And My Everafter :waah: I checked out Youtube and there are some cool clips (all of Prognosis!!). Have a Happy 4th for all the USAers
  7. jjmannford


    Tom, Very nice thoughts. Hope you do find peace and happiness in these tough times. Take care, Jim
  8. jjmannford

    Queen of the Informed

    Your Daddy drowned in tuition fees Your MBA in THC Awesome line!!!! We all knew that outspoken patchouli wearing 'informed' female in college that would jump down your throat if your views weren't of her ideals. Yes I take as there are plenty of outspoken queens of the informed...
  9. jjmannford

    Just curious

    Kansas was my 1st prog band I got into so they are pretty special to me. Fav tunes .... gotta echo Ted.... Closet Chronicles. Other Side (Live version on the Box Set ----- Steve's vocals back then are just incredible). Rush --- A fan but not the biggest fan... Geddy's vocals are just not...
  10. jjmannford


    Invisible is easily one of the best Enchant tunes, so I would love to see it in the setlist. That key riff is pretty cool, and the outro is just extremely powerful. In my Top 3 of Enchant songs. Gotta break out another tune from Tug..... Queen of the Informed is sweet. I dig Long Way Down a...
  11. jjmannford


    I dig the song Hydra, and some of their older stuff from their 1st 2 albums
  12. jjmannford

    Favorite Enchant Song?

    Excellent... Invisible is getting some props. I agree that fade out is one of my top 3 Enchant snippets. Top Enchant tune... probably Sinking also. Just the melting pot of everything that's great with Enchant.
  13. jjmannford

    VERY EARLY happy birthday wishes...

    HAPPY Bday Eddie! Get your girl to buy you a double neck. I was checking out the one Mike Rutherford is going to use for the tour (no Hackett --- :mad: ) , and the bass detaches. It looks sweet. Have a good day, Jimmy
  14. jjmannford

    Ed, Ted, Sean, Doug, Bill

    STM, There is a show every year on the East Coast that would not bankrupt the band. Its ROSfest near Philly during the last weekend of every April. Please all us East Coasters join and demand that we want Enchant for 2008. I have put in my vote for Enchant as my #1...
  15. jjmannford

    Offical announcement of Enchant show

    What did the Medley consist of?? Wish I was there :erk:
  16. jjmannford


    Guys, I am totally bummed out that I won't be able to make it out there to hear you guys. Wish there was some way for us Enchantheads to hear the show that can't make it out to Cali. Maybe sell it as a cheap bootleg CD???? Keith, glad to hear everything is ok I haven't chimed in here...
  17. jjmannford

    Best of far

    FROST* - Milliontown and it will be my favorite of 2006 Not out yet but I have heard it on Podcasts and it is Progtastic! The 26min Title track gives me a big honking BONER.
  18. jjmannford

    Frost - New Prog Band (IQ/Arena Derivative) on IO

    To quench our thrist for good prog tunes.... I recently went to ROSfest (insert comment: WE NEED ENCHANT AT ROSFest 07 !!!) to see NEO. NEO is a collection of IQ & Arena Members (John Jowitt/Clive Nolan/Mark Westwood (IQ Guitar Tech)/Andy Edwards (New IQ Drummer) who joined to play a...
  19. jjmannford

    A Blueprint of the World Bonus!

    Shitape I been called Shithead by my wife quite a few times, but Shitape has to have some special inside meaning. Care to enlighten us???
  20. jjmannford

    A Blueprint of the World Bonus!

    Brian Cline was the original Bassist/Singer of the band. He left b/c of the usual musical direction differences. I met him at the LaL show in Oakland. Nice Guy. Ed... sent you an email... did you get it?? If not send me one -