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  1. CRUSADER747

    This 'ol place need some new threads.....

    Nah, i don't fancy connie. I like the blonde irish woman, Zoe :p
  2. CRUSADER747

    This 'ol place need some new threads.....

    Soooooooooo, this is a Blue Peter thred????? Are you a fellow watcher??? Excellent :lol:
  3. CRUSADER747

    Now Playing

    Yes its track 2. Actually, most opf the album is instrumentals. Only 2 tracks have vocals!!
  4. CRUSADER747

    Now Playing

    Yngwie J Malmsteens Rising Force - Far Beyond The Sun :rock:
  5. CRUSADER747

    Last posts

    Thanks U M.:rock: I will still be hanging around a couple of other forums on here so its not really goodbye. :)
  6. CRUSADER747

    new podcast & dedicated forum

    :lol: :goggly:
  7. CRUSADER747

    Journalist Dismisses SAXON Documentary As 'Coffee-Table Television At Best' - Mar. 20

    Wow, so Biff had a go at goldsmith!!! Good for him :)
  8. CRUSADER747

    Now Playing

    Yngwie J Malmsteens Rising Force - Wild One
  9. CRUSADER747

    Now Playing

    I thought this messageboard was shut down now??? Anyway, yes, i think a lot of people like to view and post on this thread.:kickass: I think its popular now because ultimate metal removed the Now Playing bit from the reply box a while ago.
  10. CRUSADER747

    Now Playing

    Hey, Crusader!!:) You will have to start another Now Playing thread on the new mesageboard:rock: I think this has been the most popular thread on here EVER :lol:
  11. CRUSADER747

    Recent Saxon Albums on Vinyl?

    I know what you mean. I have a mini DV video camera, and i put all my recordings on to DVD. The quality is a lot better than VHS tapes! I also have quite a lot of VHS movies, and if i want to watch one i just use my parents video, but thats not often, as im trying to increase my DVD collection :)
  12. CRUSADER747

    Recent Saxon Albums on Vinyl?

    I agree with you that the large album cover shows the artwork much better, but at the end of the day, i want to listen to the music without crackles and stylus jumping etc. I also like to rip cd tracks and put them on my mp3 player e.t.c. But i know there are still some vinyl enthusists out...
  13. CRUSADER747

    Recent Saxon Albums on Vinyl?

    The last Saxon album i bought on vinyl was Forever Free, and i only got it on vinyl as well as cd cos i liked the cover, with the robot people on futuristic motorbikes etc. I don't miss vinyl at all really, i hated records jumping when i walked pased the record player, and i hated the crackles...
  14. CRUSADER747

    Now Playing

    Yngwie Malmsteen - Forever Is A Long Time :kickass:
  15. CRUSADER747

    Now Playing

    Im not definatly sure, but i think the Glen Tipton album was recorded before the Malmsteen one (they were both released in 1997). Facing The Animal is not bad, but i like the later albums more!
  16. CRUSADER747

    Inner Sanctum review.

    I think the song is a bit long, if they cut out some of the slower parts and stuck together the faster heavy bits it would be better :rock:
  17. CRUSADER747


    Bear Will Rise Again....... Or mabey not?? :lol:
  18. CRUSADER747

    new podcast & dedicated forum

    Nah, people would just get confused, i think we should keep the same names which we have on here. :Saint:
  19. CRUSADER747

    Now Playing

    He sang vocals on 3 Malmsten albums. 'Seventh Sign' 1994 'Magnum Opus' 1995 (do not buy, its not metal, its weard) and he sang on 'Facing The Animal' 1997, which has Cozy Powel on drums, it was also the last album Cozy played drums on before his fatal car crash.
  20. CRUSADER747

    Inner Sanctum review.

    Thats my favourite part of the song :p