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    Joeys Gain reduction Plugin Question?

    thanks guys ill be buying it asap now :)
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    Howdy guys, can you give me feedback on this mix for my new band? thankyou x

    This is a part of music from one of my bands song that im recording at the moment for our upcoming ep (keep on the lookout as its getting released soon) . Just wondering if you guys could give me feedback on the mix. Ive mastered it aswell and im pretty sure it sounds pretty good just need a...
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    Joeys Gain reduction Plugin Question?

    So it would do all the compression needs for a hard hitting vocal?
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    Joeys Gain reduction Plugin Question?

    Hey guys Im thinking about either buying joeys gain reduction plugin or fet style compressor like softube fet compressor. I will be using it for vocals like screams/yells and cleans. Will just buying joeys gain reduction be enough for vocal compression?
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    Cubase making mix lose high end and air HELP

    The problem is happening within cubase even before I mixdown and master. I've updated my ux1 driver and I'm using no pirated plugins only pod farm and Steven slate and slate vtm and vcc. It's been happening for so fucken long I just wanna my fucken music aaaarrrgghhh lol
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    Cubase making mix lose high end and air HELP

    The sample rates are fine. It's weird it's like losing heaps of high, losing a bit of volume, pumping even before putting a limiter and pushed back in the stereo field???
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    Cubase making mix lose high end and air HELP

    It's happening in cubase before I export now. It also lacks volume when mastered at high rms??? I've tried everything to fix it too and I know a lot about computers,mixing and cubase????
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    Cubase making mix lose high end and air HELP

    I've got my mixes in cubase really well mixed and mastered. But cubase seems to fuk it up when I mix down in any form (wav,mp3 ect. It loses all my nice high end and air. I need urgent help as I need to be realising my bands ep really soon and I can't because of this problem HELP Cheers
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    Mixing ssd room mic and reverb guitar question

    Hey guys :) Just wondering on how do you guys mix your ssd room mic or any drum room mic to make it punch or stand out in the mix. And another question how do I get more ambience on heavy distorted guitars without it sounding messy Cheers :)
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    Using ssd room sounds joeys drum samples how do I do it

    I loaded the cymbals into kontakt 4 now what do I do now
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    need help major problem with cubase corrupting my files its driving me insane

    Yer tried all that man :( if you search up on google cubase poor mix down heaps of stuff comes up. So there def other people out there getting it to
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    Any secrets or tips about using ozone and gclip to achieve loudness

    Hey guys :) here's the thing I've mixed my song really well no frequencys colliding with each other and all that. I've clipped my drums properly, limited my guitars and kept plenty of headroom. Now onto getting loudness which is the most frustrating thing how do I achieve it. Cause I've been...
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    need help major problem with cubase corrupting my files its driving me insane

    Yer I mix down to wave file I tried reaper and it works fine but reaper is very awkward to use. Is there any way in reaper to make the volume meters bigger if anyone knows that would be great. I'm still confused about why cubase would stuff up but reaper doesent. I even restarted cubase to...
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    need help major problem with cubase corrupting my files its driving me insane

    I tried everything you said t Mitchell it still ain't I'm about to throw my computer out the window
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    need help major problem with cubase corrupting my files its driving me insane

    I got rid of that software and bought it yesterday all the other software I have is bought by me. as I too believe that it is wrong to endorse in pirate software but I am still having the problem where cubase is clouding my sound after even trying every you guys have told me. It's driving me mad aye
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    need help major problem with cubase corrupting my files its driving me insane

    Sorry guys about the punctuation lol. I think I might have found but I downloaded a torrent off the Internet which is soninum satson. and I think that might of been the culprit it was kinda corrupting my files I think. does this sound normal to you guys
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    need help major problem with cubase corrupting my files its driving me insane

    hey guys how you doin im having a major problem with cubase 5 the problem is that my projects seemed to be getting corrupted or something as whenever i mix down my projects there not as crisp and stereo sounding as they sound in cubase they always turn out dull 2d like kinda like someone put a...
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    Using ssd room sounds joeys drum samples how do I do it

    i get what you mean about creating an aux track for the ssd room but how do i get joey sturgis snare to be used in ssd room or joey cymbals whatever
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    Using ssd room sounds joeys drum samples how do I do it

    I think I know wat u mean I'm still kinda confused can you kinda give me a more detailed approach sorry :)