Search results

  1. Crinn

    Black Metal.

    Black metal is the best music ever created. My personal favorite type is Depressive Black Metal. My favorite black metal bands are: Darkthrone, 1349, Burzum, Enthroned, Gorgoroth, Inquisition, Naglfar, Merrimack, Ravencult, Watain, Gromm, Nokturnal Mortum, Lord Belial, Taake, Drudkh...
  2. Crinn

    Bands you think are NB worthy

    Nuclear Blast is obviously the best record label of all-time and only sign on the best of the best. There are several bands that I consider to be one of the best of their kind and then, one day, I see them on the Nuclear Blast roster (i.e. Fleshgod Apocalypse, Cipher System, Decrepit Birth...
  3. Crinn


    hi there