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  1. wullief

    Funniest Sex Lyrics

    how could we have forgotten nfb
  2. wullief

    Funniest Sex Lyrics

    is nearly ac/dc son not an innuendo to the old knee-trembling i.e. inject the venom cover you in oil sink the pink etc etc etc
  3. wullief

    O/T: Machine Head's response to kerrang! UK review of new album

    i bought kerrang a few weeks back when they pap on a cd on the cover and i got it quite simply coz machine head were on it and i heard good things i wasnt disappointed. It was the stand out song on that comp cd. Far better than burning red but almost as good as burn my eyes i reckon. i shall be...
  4. wullief

    Favorite Armored Saint album?

    only heard and got raising fear and symbol. But symbol blew me away. Another day knocked my socks off.
  5. wullief

    Gear Question

    that would be cool if they were given free gear to use and abuse
  6. wullief

    Rugby or Football(American Style) or Aussie rules

    sorry nafnikufesin that gets lumped in with american rules its all the same game i.e. padding downs etc except different scoring rules. Sorry good sir its a close derivative of nfl rules. just like union and league are close derivatives. darbys dad aussie rules from what i can gather are...
  7. wullief

    Sign the petition to see anthrax at download festival

    got my vote chief
  8. wullief

    Rugby or Football(American Style) or Aussie rules

    Dear members of the board i am putting up this poll to see what people think is the best rough and tumble game. put up your comments as to why you think they are the hardest game. By hardest i dont mean its a complicated game to understand i mean the guys that do it are well hard. Rugby gets...
  9. wullief

    any rugby union fans?

    No joy to you americans you almost beat fiji but pulled the conversion attempt wide at the last kick of the ball. Im going to get a poll started.
  10. wullief

    OT: Who gets the last word?

    dentists ouch aint been to one in nearly two years. I need to go back and have my ritual filling and slabbery speech afterwards "i fought i sssshlaw a pushy cat." rings to mind
  11. wullief

    Caught in a Mosh Cover!

    i may need to purchase that when it comes out
  12. wullief

    any rugby union fans?

    Yeah the World Cup is on now. Scotland vs USA up next ha ha.
  13. wullief

    Questions about Anthrax b-sides

    i think they might have been on the soe sessions the guitars sound very similar. ill need to come back to you on the who put this together as i have the single but not listened to it in a while.
  14. wullief

    New Chick here.....

    im not from australia but scottish. hello
  15. wullief

    WCFYA session outtakes...

    ghost on taking the music back single. it is a topper of a song. safe home acoustic and were a happy family are on the european version of the wcfya album. dont know about the other two though.
  16. wullief

    Thran on MTV2 Headbangers Ball 2night 8-30-03

    here here good sir. When into the pit and hbb went belly up it aint been the same since. Anyone remember when Scott hosted into the pit. I got my first taste of exodus and celtic frost that night. Oh while im at it replace top of the pops with a metal show on bbc1. But that aint never going to...
  17. wullief

    another poll! A.I.R. v. Madhouse

    madhouse madhouse madhouse am i insane??
  18. wullief

    Anthrax Box Set

    If you think JoBu is great lets see how that goes with joey belladonna = JoBe (say it as 'job e' = jobbie = faeces)
  19. wullief

    Vol. 8 question...

    the version of vol 8 i have has no censorship on it. it was the uk version
  20. wullief

    Poll: Crush v. Catharsis!

    catharsis is the best song on the album IMO. it gets my vote