Search results

  1. ffanatic

    What albums are you listening right now?

    Rufus Wainwright-Want Two Pineapple Thief-12 Stories Down Fly Pan Am-N'ecoutez Pas Shalabi Effect-The Trial of St. Orange
  2. ffanatic

    What albums are you listening right now?

    Sleepytime Gorilla Museum-Of Natural History Grails-Redlight Fly Pan Am-s/t Magyar Posse-Kings of Time Frou Frou-Details
  3. ffanatic

    What albums are you listening right now?

    Iron and Wine-The Creek Drank The Cradle Magyar Posse-Kings of Time The Polyphonic Spree-Together We're Heavy
  4. ffanatic

    the red chord?

    Agreed. That's a puzzling comment.
  5. ffanatic

    Rarest cd you purchased from a record store.

    Novembre-Wish I Could Dream It Again for $5
  6. ffanatic

    how many metal albums do you have?

    My list can be found here It's pretty up to date (there's like two CDs I don't have on there), but it's not all metal.
  7. ffanatic

    Good Grindcore Bands

    Good grindcore = oxymoron
  8. ffanatic

    What's your favorite songs that clocks over 10 minutes?

    Dream Theater-A Change of Seasons A Silver Mt. Zion-Sow Some Lonesome Corners (O, So Many Flowers Bloom) Esmerine-There Were No Footprints In The Dust Behind Them
  9. ffanatic

    Post your hauls here

    Pink Floyd-The Wall
  10. ffanatic


    Frou Frou are great. Bjork is horribly underrated, as is Tori Amos, and to a lesser extent, Fiona Apple.
  11. ffanatic


    He chain smokes like a fiend; even on stage.
  12. ffanatic


    Quality goth rock (note: rock, not metal). If you'd like that, then check them out. I own the import 2 disc set of Razorblade Romance, and plan to buy their other 3 albums (Love Metal, Deep Shadows and Brilliant Highlights, Greatest Love Songs Vol. 666) as soon as I can afford to import them.
  13. ffanatic

    Post your hauls here

    Neutral Milk Hotel-In The Aeroplane Over The Sea Neutral Milk Hotel-On Avery Island Forest Stream-Tears of Mortal Solitude
  14. ffanatic

    Post your hauls here

    Winds-The Imaginary Direction of Time Beyond the Embrace-Insect Song
  15. ffanatic

    Japanese Metal

    I second that. Too bad their stuff is a bitch to find in the US. Damn Perfect Best, being out of print and all.
  16. ffanatic

    Let's Talk About Grindcore

    No, I'm quite content making fun of grind, thank you. Grind sucks!
  17. ffanatic

    Let's Talk About Grindcore

    All grind, by definition, is shit. I could waltz into a studio right now and write/record a grind CD if I wanted to, and you'd gobble it up look a hooker on Friday-night binge. The noise genre is clearly better, in that it makes no attempt to hide behind any musical form or structure. :lol...
  18. ffanatic

    Let's Talk About Grindcore

    You forgot "no music" as well. And your statement in regards to corporate metal disproves your statement regarding elitists and attitudes. And as for studio tricks, two words: drum machines. There's too much good music out there to waste my time with something as worthless as grind is.