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  1. LiberaScientia

    Mix Contest! Money reward and more

    Ah dude that's a terrible situation you have there. The way I see it, you paid for the recording so the tracks are yours. I'll have a go at matching the drums with midi then, haha.
  2. LiberaScientia

    Mix Contest! Money reward and more

    Will have a go at this soon! Any chance of individual multitracks for the drums? Seems like a big ask to coax a good drum sound out of a stereo bounce of raw drums, I think any prospective mixer would need the individual tracks to have the best chance of getting a good drum sound.
  3. LiberaScientia

    Some multitracks for you folks to play around with :) (Probably Post-Metal)

    Hey dude, thanks for sharing! Really love the track, had an absolute blast mixing it. Keep us updated on the progress of the plugin too, definitely something I'd like to check out if it gets released based on the quality of these guitar tracks you provided. Anyway, here's my mix :)
  4. LiberaScientia

    Eurobass II Mix Demo (Feedback?)

    What are you doing with velocities when programming alternate picked parts? It seems common sense to lower the velocity of all the upstrokes but sometimes people forget to do that, haha.
  5. LiberaScientia

    Atmospheric Prog/Post-Rock Multitracks

    Ello chums, I released a new track from my solo project a few days ago, decided to post the multitracks up for people to do whatever they like with. The song itself is a super atmospheric prog/post-rock jam with lots of piano, droning synths, washed out guitars, thick low-tuned drums etc. If...
  6. LiberaScientia

    Dungblaster Mix By [TURN UP STUDIO]

    Ah, gotcha. Well now there's a link in this thread in case anyone wants have a crack at them :) Yeh they were great to mix, I did a mix of this track as well and it was tons of fun.
  7. LiberaScientia

    Dungblaster Mix By [TURN UP STUDIO]

    You can grab them from :)
  8. LiberaScientia

    Mixing practice - Raw stems for you to mix and master!

    Here's my mix :) Used GGD Halpern with a couple of my favourite one-shots for drums. Thanks for the tracks Joel, absolutely dig the song too!
  9. LiberaScientia

    Twistedrock to LiberaScientia

    Hey chaps, as per the title could I have my username changed from Twistedrock to LiberaScientia. If that's not available I'd have EmpyreanAudio as an alternative. Cheers :)
  10. LiberaScientia

    Like Conquering Dystopia? Check this out!

    Absolutely incredible track man, will definitely be throwing you some dollah when the album comes out!
  11. LiberaScientia

    Top production albums everyone should have?

    Gotta agree with Sound Awake. From Mars To Sirius for sure, if you want pure fucking brutality/grit.
  12. LiberaScientia

    50% off EVERYTHING!!

    Sweet deal dude! Just buying the Million Dollar kick right now, can't wait to try it in a mix!
  13. LiberaScientia

    Progressive metal

    This is awesome stuff dude, reminds me of Animals as Leaders and Textures! Love the snare too!
  14. LiberaScientia

    Volumes The Mixture Mix!

    ^ that! This is one of my favourite Volumes tracks, I have to get my hands on these ;D
  15. LiberaScientia

    Mix this song for fun!

    I'm actually already using like 4 tracks for bass, one for low end, then 3 different types of grit :P
  16. LiberaScientia

    New Contortionist album released today

    It's my AOTY for sure, I can't think of anything left to be released that will top it to be honest. Listened to it at least 4/5 times every day since it was released and I'm still not tired of it. It's so fucking beautiful, but incredibly natural sounding too, I've never heard anything like it.
  17. LiberaScientia

    Toontrack Metal month 2014

    Got a feeling the guy holding the PRS could be Mike Tremonti, although that doesn't make that much sense considering he doesn't really have any previous affiliation with Toontrack...
  18. LiberaScientia

    Mix this song for fun!

    Some awesome mixes so far! :) I had a bit of a go at a headphone mix last night, what do you think? Low-end is probably all over the place since I haven't checked it on speakers yet but ah well!
  19. LiberaScientia

    My current mix

    Holy fuck this mix sounds HUGE, dude. That kick is monstrous!
  20. LiberaScientia

    Hyperdrive (Devin Townsend-Ziltoid cover)

    Holy crap this is awesome dude, I'm loving the extra guitar layers!