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  1. ~ TheD. ~

    QUEENSRŸCHE - Condition Hüman

    I agree DeGarmo and Tate together had a chemistry, perhaps it became toxic.. it happens. They were the main creative force... but HiTNF was very heavily a DeGarmo record,... and then, he decided to go fly private jets for corporate clients. So, perhaps he realized the magic had gone out of...
  2. ~ TheD. ~

    QUEENSRŸCHE - Condition Hüman

    I wholeheartedly concur, it reminds me of the Journey or Accept situation where you have a singer that can be a dead ringer for the original in a live setting but, of course, there is a difference. He covers the stuff we loved from the heyday damn good and on the new stuff, I would not even...
  3. ~ TheD. ~

    QUEENSRŸCHE - Condition Hüman

    \mm/ Thank you for the support and kind words!! \mm/
  4. ~ TheD. ~

    Tickets: Wanted/For Sale

    Just a note to say that my Gold Badge is no longer available.
  5. ~ TheD. ~

    Tickets: Wanted/For Sale

    Hi All; I have 1 Gold Badge available. Contact me on Dietrick DOT Hardwick AT Yahoo DOT com. Thanks, ~ D
  6. ~ TheD. ~

    Mindcage Launches New Store with New Label

    Quick update, folks... There has been a change! Mindcage will not be on Kinematic Music anymore, as that label has gone defunct. But I am grateful that we got to do some of the things we wanted, such as sponsor PPUSA and do our record release there. The good news is we are going forward with a...
  7. ~ TheD. ~

    Tickets: Wanted/For Sale

    Hi Gang, Regretfully, I won't be able to attend this year. I am starting a new venture and it is taking all my focus and resources. WAAAAAAHHHH!!! I am bummed, but hope to be back next year. Meanwhile... I have one Gold Badge for Sale. If interested, please email me at: dietrick DOT...
  8. ~ TheD. ~

    I'm pleased to announce this exciting new project.. Silent Sentient

    Thanks guys, the first thing I told Chris when we discussed it.. that I get good gooseflesh when he sings "…Free me, I am not to be held down All this life I have to give, please allow… My God, please help me now, I need a sign.. to carry on, I need You, I need You." I want to hear...
  9. ~ TheD. ~

    I'm pleased to announce this exciting new project.. Silent Sentient

    Hey gang, I am stoked to finally talk about an excited collaboration that has been years in the making and is finally officially coming together. It is a project quite different from a lot of the intense prog stuff and will use a lot of acoustic instruments and a string quartet. This album...
  10. ~ TheD. ~

    I reconnected with an old friend from a Global Village...

    … and we chatted quite a lot. He has just done some pro photography for Michael Eriksen and Circus Maximus in Italy.. I asked him about his Madsword and if he would wield it again. It would be great, to receive him at PPUSA. A dream to hear The Global Village in its entirety…. I would put up...
  11. ~ TheD. ~

    A little Mindcage news..

    Hello All; A couple new things happening in the Mindcage camp... New recording dates and release coming, and here is the BW&BK Exclusive preview of the lyric video for the upcoming single
  12. ~ TheD. ~

    Mindcage Set to Debut Live Show as Headliner at Pensacon’s Live Music Event

    Hi Gang, we are headlining, which is a really cool and huge comic con event, second only to Dragon Con in the Southeast. It's taking over the whole NW Gulf Coast, hopefully weather is great! Steampunk and all forms of cosplay, all the big classic guests from Star Wars to Dr. Who to...
  13. ~ TheD. ~

    Pain of Salvation's Remedy Lane - The Ultimate Thread

    My PoS journey began when everyone was raving about OHBTCL on Perpetual Motion so I went and got it. I kinda dug it but it was not at all what I was expecting. It was very kewl and progressive and fresh but did not do it for me like it was for everyone else. Same with Entropia. Then I got...
  14. ~ TheD. ~

    Mindcage "Our Own Devices" CD now available in EUROPE!

    We are pleased to announce that our new offering, "Our Own Devices", is now available on Physical CD format via Germany's Just For Kicks Music! Check it out, and help us spread the word to all our European fans and friends...
  15. ~ TheD. ~

    New Schenker with Doogie White

    Blind buy for me, as always with Schenk. Noticed he has stepped up his game since his last solid period of sobriety!
  16. ~ TheD. ~


  17. ~ TheD. ~

    Mindcage "Our Own Devices" now available via!

    Thanks to Ken for the patience and support over the years and for making our new album "Our Own Devices" available to the PM & PPUSA communities and beyond!
  18. ~ TheD. ~

    Mindcage "Our Own Devices" was released today and our finalized video is now posted!

    templeofmax, I am not quite sure what the label is shipping w/direct orders.. I think there are some bumper stickers or other promo limited edition stuff we have left from PPUSA... but you may ask at contact AT!
  19. ~ TheD. ~

    Mindcage "Our Own Devices" was released today and our finalized video is now posted!

    I saw that on Amazon too and almost shit a brick! I asked the label to look into it. It should be like 9.99 or so. Meanwhile they are still working on a distribution deal for physical, Laser's Edge will hopefully get it soon. If you buy the CD direct it comes with swag...
  20. ~ TheD. ~

    Mindcage "Our Own Devices" was released today and our finalized video is now posted!

    Thanks so much, y'all \mm/ The label has assured me the pre-orders were the first direct sales shipped so they should be arriving shortly!