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  1. hyperdesire

    What are you listening to now ?

    I like the new Slash album
  2. hyperdesire

    Discussing Metal Composition Techniques?

    Wait for inspiration, hum it, have pocket voice recorder handy
  3. hyperdesire

    Metal from your countries

    there was a band from Japan called Kagrra. They mix rock with traditional Japanese elements.,
  4. hyperdesire

    Punk Hardcore/Grindcore/Oi! bands

    I'm not keen on classifying music in this genre. But I discovered Electric Eel Shock on Spotify. They seem to have a mish mash.
  5. hyperdesire

    Post your music here if you want people to comment on it

    Yes Feared kicks ass. Here's my one man band, I'm all over the place here lol
  6. hyperdesire

    Beyond Fallen - Mindfire

    cool. i like this album too.
  7. hyperdesire

    Zero Hour "Dark Deceiver" cover

    so which one is troy and which is jasun?
  8. hyperdesire

    Some Bands To Think About For X!??

    bands with numbers or the letter X in their name
  9. hyperdesire

    Now listening?

    one for all all for one by galneryus
  10. hyperdesire

    the logo

    is the band gonna settle with a logo? there seems to be several versions from album to album including one where same typeface is tracked differently.
  11. hyperdesire

    Interviewing Forte: Got Any Questions?

    ask em if they think its hip to be old skool
  12. hyperdesire

    Just saying what's up and ready to bail out!!

    Hey I didn't know you got married. Congrats Jasun!
  13. hyperdesire

    Zero Hour back from PPC Summerfest in Hannover Germany

    That's neat doodes. Props to troy for sporting the zooming ZH logo design on the bass!
  14. hyperdesire

    X Japan for PPUSA

    dir en grey is opening for the deftones in the us
  15. hyperdesire

    Off Topic- Help needed with Digital Cameras for concerts

    steady hand, higher ISO like 400, no flash, wait till subject is not moving around, wait till available light is lit enough, longer shutter speed, plus you loose image quality with zoom so try to get up close.
  16. hyperdesire

    Bands with multiple lead vocalists. Help, please?

    The Ocean - Aeolian: about 5 different vocalists
  17. hyperdesire

    ??? For San Francisco Concert Goer's
  18. hyperdesire

    Metal In the Mainstream

    that VW commericial with the boss accidentally hearing the employee's loud music on the car stereo
  19. hyperdesire

    ipod Appreciate thread...

    I love my 4th Gen iPod, my iBook, my G4 and my G5 at work. I think I should get a iShuffle for the gym just for insurance. My parents like theirs.