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    A Sound of Thunder Hit the Road!

    Will try to make the show in MS, but the way it's looking the next few weeks I won't be able to. Hopefully they come to the south soon (or at least at all).
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    PPUSA Day 1 Headliner Announcement! (update 11/16)

    Pyramaze! Nice, and they're the opener. Good first pick of the day, then I get Gloryhammer.
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    New Megadeth song!!!!

    Getting good Endgame vibes from this. Hopefully Mustaine learned his lesson from the last two albums and makes whatever this one's called a strong one.
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    PPUSA Day 1 Headliner Announcement! (update 11/16)

    Solid choice. Lineup as a whole is pretty great, better even than 2014, to me at least. I'll do my damndest to make this one, just how damndest depends on future announcements.
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    Devin Townsend, Animals As Leaders co-headlining tour with Monuments

    Shame I had to miss that. I was at the Halestorm concert in Baton Rouge.
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    Testament takes a leaf out of Queensryche's book, selling "shares" of a single song

    Just the other day I was giving a friend advice for guys and I told her "never go see a movie without watching the trailer" and now I'm vaguely sad someone came up with a better metaphor than me.
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    Testament takes a leaf out of Queensryche's book, selling "shares" of a single song

    Couldn't it be a thing like if you pay enough money, you get a songwriting credit and theoretically are entitled to a share of all the royalties? I'm not sure how I think of that, but it is possible.
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    Testament takes a leaf out of Queensryche's book, selling "shares" of a single song

    To all those saying it sounds stupid, I think they're parodying the Queensryche thing. While also letting some fans get a chance to listen to the new album.
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    Heavy Metal album cover GIFs

    This post is an excellent reminder to me that I still have no clue what the hell is going on in the Countdown to Extinction cover.
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    Most anticipated 2015 realeses

    Blind Guardian alone would probably eclipse 2015 for me, but the possibility of a new Iron Maiden as well means I don't think I care about anything else. Maybe new King Diamond too.
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    First Drover, now Broderick quits Megadeth

    I really liked Thirteen (I refuse to use the dumb spelling he made for it), but then again all of my favorites were the ones previously released or unreleased older songs.
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    A new Blind Guardian release

    I wonder if the fact that this trailer focused only on Twilight of the Gods means that we'll get one trailer for each song. I certainly hope so.
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    First Drover, now Broderick quits Megadeth

    In Gamma Ray yes I absolutely do. Now Primal Fear on the other hand is one thing but I actually prefer the Hansen version of Scheepers-sung songs.
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    First Drover, now Broderick quits Megadeth

    Speaking of that news, not sure I agree with Nils calling Ralf the best singer Gamma Ray has had. That'll be interesting though, glad these guys are moving on to stuff they have influence over. At this point lets face it, the only people who control the sound is Mustaine and a little bit Ellefson.
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    Big Hero 6 is a great flick. Kind of like Up meets The Incredibles (nt)

    A review I saw said that if you go in understanding the rest of the team doesn't matter and that it's about Hiro and Baymax, it becomes much more entertaining as a film. I loved it, it was funny and entertaining. Was it cliche and a little generic at times? Yes, but that doesn't make it bad...
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    Power Metal Social Graph

    With all the bands formed by members of Helloween or former members of Helloween, it wouldn't be hard to say that every band is six degrees of separation from Helloween. Avantasia feels like cheating.
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    Band catagorization

    Speed metal seems like one of those genres where I can't describe the difference between it and power metal, but id know it when I hear it. A very weird defining line between thrash and power.
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    Behemoth - Cannibal Corpse Co Headline Tour

    Aren't AaL and Monuments on tour with Devin Townsend? Why couldn't he come in New Orleans too? I'm not too much into them but I'm a huge Devin fan. I'd probably go just to help support whatever promoter must have been hired recently to get all these tours.
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    Behemoth - Cannibal Corpse Co Headline Tour

    Behemoth+Cannibal Corpse and Machine Head in New Orleans less than a week apart. I guess I can stop bitching about the lack of metal concerts here for....about a week yeah.
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    A new Blind Guardian release

    Didn't they do Houston in 2010 for their last tour? I'd take that again.