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  1. J

    EFMB Tour North America 2015/2016

    I'll be going to the Oklahoma City show on March 18, which is a few days after my birthday. I can hardly wait, but I got a whole lot of year to go before then, so I'll enjoy what I've got and go from there. ^_^
  2. J

    Vancouver show to be filmed for DVD

    Indeed. I'll be getting it when the time comes, of course. Meanwhile, I'll be hopelessly waiting for the next tour... I'll be going to the one in OKC, of course. ^_^;
  3. J

    How did you discover Nightwish?

    Thank you. :cool:
  4. J

    How did you discover Nightwish?

    I was introduced to Nightwish by an old friend of mine. I don't remember the particulars, but needless to say, since I heard "Dark Chest of Wonders" for the first time, I was hooked.
  5. J

    Nightwish Car Project

    That's pretty cool! I wouldn't mind having a band logo (like the pendulum from "Dark Passion Play") as a decal or something and put it somewhere on my vehicle. Or, even better, a license plate frame. That would be sweet!
  6. J

    Vancouver show to be filmed for DVD

    That's awesome. I hope they release an album alongside it, too. :)
  7. J

    Get to know your fellow nighwish fan

    Okay, it's my turn... Name: JSW Age: 32 Located: Somewhere in Oklahoma... hobbies: Dragons, work, dragons, music, dragons, movies, dragons, petting cats, dragons, being with my wife, dragons, playing video games, dragons, and... I'm sure I'm missing something... Oh, yeah. Dragons. fave...