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  1. F

    katatonia collection

    Not as much stuff as most of you it would seem! Brave Yesterdays Brave Murder Day Tonights Decision The Black Sessions I first got Tonights Decision a few years back and didnt like it much, i still dont, It put me right off Katatonia, and it was only after a friend nagged at me to get...
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    DOOMination tour in London Feat. Darren White & 'Sleepless'!

    I went to the DOOMination of London gig last night with The Prophecy, The Eternal and Centurions Ghost at The Verge, what a fucking brilliant night that was 3 fantastic doom bands all for a fiver! And what may be of interest to people here was The Eternal did a song called 'Remembrance scars'...
  3. F

    Metal in October?

    BTW, The Eternal are an Australian band as well! ;) And Centurions Ghost have an Australian singer, it will be like your supporting your countrys music scene, even more reason to go! lol
  4. F

    Metal in October?

    Forget Slayer, go to the The Verge near Kentish town, tube station in London on October 14th and see the DOOMination of Europe London gig, The prophecy, The eternal and centurions ghost, 3 fantastic doom bands in one night!
  5. F

    Your Anathema collection: What's in it??

    nothing special, Just all the albums both EPs all on CD and the first DVD. Ive also got a Alt 4 T shirt and a judgement longsleeve
  6. F


    Manowar, You gotta love manowar, that album picture is like an altar of metal, a shrine of steel, where mere men are humbled and shamed \m/ BTW, nice one, to the person who mentioned of the wand and the moon and empyrium, both are great!
  7. F

    The Questions for Danny Thread!

    If i was a top surgeon, i would definately connect somebodys bowels to their belly button, and move their taste buds into their arse just for a laugh..... So Danny, if you were a surgeon, what immoral practical jokes would you play if Duncan Patterson was out cold on a general anesthetic on the...
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    Were You There? DVD

    Hey Danny, just a quick question, how come you are not allowed to release any pre-judgement tracks on the Krakow gig, yet you can release ' Inner silence' from the string quartet show?
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    Just a quick post to add that primordial are one of th most criminally underrated metal bands of all time, Fan-fucking-tastic band, i dont think they ever released a bad song, one of my all time favorites \m/ " I have but one desire......." \m/\m/
  10. F

    London: setlist, comments, gossip, photos and that.

    Hehe, all this talk about male bonding, group hugs and bullet belts is making me want to go play manowar and get all homo....... lol For the record, i agree with many of you people that no matter the differences of opinions about the band, its great that anathema has guys like Danny that are...
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    London: setlist, comments, gossip, photos and that.

    Danny, Thanks for replying and explaining your reasons behind the lack of older anathema stuff, guess all our tastes change, and you gotta do what you feel happy with doing an all! :) Seeing as somebody brought up the subject of name changes again, i had always been against it, but if the...
  12. F

    London: setlist, comments, gossip, photos and that.

    Dont take this the wrong way Danny, I totally respect what anathema does nowadays. and love all of your albums and i understand what you say about getting bored playing the old songs etc, but perhaps rather than thinking what if Thom yorke or Bjork were in the audience ( which chances are they...
  13. F

    London: setlist, comments, gossip, photos and that.

    Hmmmm, nothing before Alt 4? come on guys, please dont go the way of paradise lost and forget your past just cos you have new great songs as well.....
  14. F

    London: setlist, comments, gossip, photos and that.

    Damn, bet anathema are playing right now...... I just couldnt afford to go in the end, what with xmas an all, im gutted! Hope they play lots of shit songs...... Damn, anathema only have one shit song....... * grumbles...... lol
  15. F

    Thyrfing For 04?

    Hell yeah, Thryfing were totally captivating and 100% headbangable when i saw them in london in spring, and i didnt even know any songs of theirs!
  16. F

    i am now officially sick of your opinions about the new album

    Danny, Dude, in the nicest way possible... shut the fuck up moaning! lol Near enough everybody loves the new anathema album, everyone may be comparing it to other bands, but the bottom line is, we all like the new album, so stop whineing else you really will sound like radiohead! * inserts...
  17. F

    Your All Time Top 10 CDs

    in no order: My dying bride, turn loose the swans Cathedral, Carnival bizzare Grave Digger, Tunes of war The Gathering, mandylion The Almighty, Crank Anathema, Judgement Mourning beloveth, The sullen sulcus Shape of despair, Angel of distress Primordial, Storm before calm Catamenia...
  18. F

    London, city of sin

    You can get a train straight from gatwick into central London in about 20 mins, then hop on a tube and your sorted!
  19. F

    fuck mfn we want single aye aye!

    Im glad ' pressure' was never released, personnaly, i think its awful, its the ONLY anathema song i actively dislike, frankly i think its shite and sounds nothing like anathema! as far as im concerned AFDTE starts on track 2! Thats just my opinion though, so no need to crucify me for it!