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  1. Eating Your Skull

    What the HELL are you DOING?

    Listening to 'The Black Flame' by Nile.
  2. Eating Your Skull

    Fastest Double kick in metal? ? ?

    and ex-Angel Corpse. \m/ Anyway, I heard this grindcore song or something on the radio the other night and it had the fatest blast beats I've ever heard, like a machine gun's rate. But then again, I don't know if it was a drum machine or what, but it wasn't, I'll say that.
  3. Eating Your Skull

    What the HELL are you DOING?

    I'm doing absomotherfuckinglutely NOTHING. :mad: np: Arcturus - Star Crossed
  4. Eating Your Skull

    Bitch about your life here.

    Ok I have to take summer school, for not one, but TWO courses, one of which I didn't fail but did bad in, and since my mom is a bitch she signed my up for it. Now I have to take classes every other weeknight from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM. And it doesn't end till August 12th. I'm bored out of...
  5. Eating Your Skull

    Now playing thread

    Cryptopsy - Graves of the Fathers
  6. Eating Your Skull

    Electric guitar newbie here...

    Gibsons are pretty expensive, but they're not THE most expensive. I'd probably go with a standard Les Paul, which are around $700.
  7. Eating Your Skull

    Do you hate Manowar?

    No I don't hate them. They make good fist pumping-poser killing music.
  8. Eating Your Skull

    The thing you hate most about metal?

    I hate people who hate black metal and always bad mouth it, even though they could never play or write it. I'm not saying they have to like it, but they should respect the bands as musicians.
  9. Eating Your Skull

    Who is Faust?

    Sure, only an awesome drummer who's played on one of the best black metal albums ever and will play in another great and legendary band next year.
  10. Eating Your Skull

    Swedish as Fuck

  11. Eating Your Skull

    what bands wouid you recommend me to listen to ?

    I'll give you the albums to first check out with the band At the Gates (Slaughter of the Soul) Amon Amarth (Once Sent from the Golden Hall) Children of Bodom (Hatebreeder) Shadows Fall (Of One Blood) Dimmu Borgir (Enthrone Darkness Triumphant) Emperor (Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk)...
  12. Eating Your Skull

    If you use filesharing software, watch out!

    Ha, with most of the mp3s I have, the RIAA have probably never even heard of the bands.
  13. Eating Your Skull

    I'm drunk, how are you?

    Dammit, booze, metal and women. I wish I were there. :(
  14. Eating Your Skull

    best deathmetal albums ever

    Morbid Angel - Abominations of Desolation Nile - Black Seeds of Vengeance Cannibal Corpse - The Bleeding, TOTM Immolation - Close to a World Below Cryptopsy - None So Vile Malevolent Creation - Retribution Suffocation - Pierced from Within np: Malevolent Creation - The Coldest Survive
  15. Eating Your Skull

    More Riffs On Punk CDS or Metal CDS?

    He shouldn't be your friend. Murder him in the name of Satan to redeem yourself.
  16. Eating Your Skull

    Swedish as Fuck

    Where can I get this shirt?
  17. Eating Your Skull

    Lets talk Neo-Classical metal bands

    Symphony X Angra np: gorefest - the glorious dead
  18. Eating Your Skull

    Morbid Angel studio diary online now!

    Awesome np: meshuggah - war
  19. Eating Your Skull

    OK, I like black metal, but

    Black metal is just about the music man. People shouldn't relate shit like this to the entire genre of music.