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  1. SpiritCrusherX

    Ethereal Collapse - Breaching the Citadel

    Actually, it is a full length album, and there is artwork available for it: The band is not currently signed, but they WERE signed to Innerstrength Records. "Breaching the Citadel" was recorded for release on Innerstrength, but the band actually broke up before this could happen, thereby...
  2. SpiritCrusherX

    Ethereal Collapse - Melodic Death Metal from Pennsylvania, USA

    Bump. We'd appreciate some feedback. Thanks!
  3. SpiritCrusherX

    Ethereal Collapse - Melodic Death Metal from Pennsylvania, USA

    We were previously prepared to release our first full length album on Innerstrength Records last year, but we disbanded before this could happen. Now, we've reunited, and we're interested in your feedback. 4 tracks are available on our Myspace page:
  4. SpiritCrusherX


    Haha, actually, I did notice that a lot of the songs sound very similar. I was just wondering though. Yeah, I don't think upstaging Origin will be at all possible, but at least we can say we played with them, haha. Thanks all.
  5. SpiritCrusherX


    What songs do they usually play live? My band is playing with them and I'm really looking forward to seeing them but I would like to familarize myself with some of their material before I do. I know they have a new album coming out and that will affect the setlist but does anyone have an idea of...
  6. SpiritCrusherX

    New recordings from Ethereal Collapse

    Your feedback is appreciated man, thank you very much. You're the only one that's replied to this thread since I made it like two weeks ago, haha. Did you think the clean vocals were off key or just out of place? Just curious. Thanks again.
  7. SpiritCrusherX

    The scene

    We played with Dead To Fall once, they're good guys and a pretty good band. All That Remains is really good too. There are a lot of bands that are just generic even though they may write killer riffs and have good musicians. One such example is It Dies Today. While they're strong musically, it's...
  8. SpiritCrusherX

    The scene

    I'm pretty content with the metal scene right now, but there are a few things that bother me, most of which were already mentioned. For one thing, as Final Vision said, there are WAY too many generic metalcore bands playing watered down melodic death metal. Only certain bands can execute that...
  9. SpiritCrusherX

    Favorite Releases of 2004?

    @ Stefan: Thanks for the kind words dude. Actually, I posted a link to some new recorded material that we recently did in a topic in the Skyfire forum, but you can go to to listen to two new songs, and "A Tragedy Divine" is also on there. We got our first EP...
  10. SpiritCrusherX

    Favorite Releases of 2004?

    Here are a few of mine, I may have forgotten some because I did not realize that they were released in '04, shit tends to blend together, heh. Into Eternity - Buried In Oblivion This band is one of the best today, simply put. They are traditional enough but also incredibly unique, and each...
  11. SpiritCrusherX

    New recordings from Ethereal Collapse

    Hey guys, remember me? I haven't been to the Ultimate Metal forums in awhile, but I thought some of you in the Skyfire forum might be interested to know that my band has recorded a few new songs because you all seemed to really enjoy the last ones...
  12. SpiritCrusherX

    SHADOWS FALL: 'The Art of Balance' Passes 100,000 Sales Mark

    Shadows Fall is fantastic. Awesome live band. I'll be seeing them again in like 2 weeks.
  13. SpiritCrusherX


    I saw the Wilkes-Barre show last night. The Black Dahlia Murder fucking slayed.
  14. SpiritCrusherX

    Buried Into Oblivion

    I'm really starting to dig Point Of Uncertainty. I like it more than when I first heard it. Too awesome.
  15. SpiritCrusherX

    Does anyone near Northeastern Pennsylvania...

    Thanks a lot, dude.
  16. SpiritCrusherX


    Disarmonia Mundi = AWESOME
  17. SpiritCrusherX

    Does anyone near Northeastern Pennsylvania...

    Yeah I don't like hardcore at all, which is what comprises most of the Victory line up, but I thought the metalheads may be interested due to Mastodon being on the bill. Ah well, thanks for reading anyway guys.
  18. SpiritCrusherX

    Does anyone near Northeastern Pennsylvania...

    I love you.
  19. SpiritCrusherX

    Any of you in a band?

    Yeah, I'm in a band as well. We got a pretty good reaction from the fellas on the Skyfire board. Click the banner in my signature for mp3's. Enjoy!