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  1. yogidaz

    Serotonal site update

    Thanks Alwin, and others. That link should be fixed by now. The problem with the new site not showing is to do with your own computers. I just refresh my browser and that's it, but then I don't use PC so I don't know if you have more problems with a PC than with a Mac - you seem to!
  2. yogidaz

    Serotonal site update

    I just thought it would be good to announce the update of the Serotonal website and the chance to download one song that we recorded. If you are new to Serotonal then you will notice that there are some other songs recorded in 2004 that can also be downloaded. Enjoy the end of everything...
  3. yogidaz

    Ive been a vegetarian for 4 days now

    I have to add though, that it is an entirely personal thing for me. I do not make judgements on anyone. It just makes me feel better. I only say morons to the "veggies are gay" and the "but how do you stay healthy?" people. I do not mean that non-veggies are morons. As long as they are happy...
  4. yogidaz

    Ive been a vegetarian for 4 days now

    Nice one Mick. Keep it up. Best of luck. It can be difficult for some, but as Dunc said - have it if it starts hurting. It is at least better for health to cut down on it. Did you know that the average male American's stomach contains a good few kilos of undigested meat - I mean OLD meat, not...
  5. yogidaz


    He's waitin'
  6. yogidaz

    Question about musicians on tour

    Di'Anno is me man! His screaming on the song, Killers gets me every time. I have listened to it thousands of times and I always love it. Now that takes us back to the original thread... if the true feeling is really strong then it will remain strong after many years.
  7. yogidaz

    Question about musicians on tour

    Okay. So don't drink it. In this case, Dora you are absolutely right to question these people. Any band that does this is false and must give up. They are ripping people off. I think I might be taking this too seriously
  8. yogidaz

    Question about musicians on tour

    This is the wierdest thread. Imagine, you spend your time writing music together with a bunch of people with similar dreams and desires and then together you decide to go on tour and play music you love to people who have bought (or downloaded) your music - and who have then paid to see you...
  9. yogidaz

    Darren White: not dead and not dreaming

    Cheers AlexGuiness! I was in Liverpool recently and I found an All Faith is Lost demo for ya. I am now in Germany for a bit longer, but I will pass the demo to you in a couple of weeks (if I remember - you know me).
  10. yogidaz

    attn: the irish of the board

    I get mong attacks anyway. I'm so much of a mong meself that I just feel comfortable thinking other mongs might love me. 'bout Apple, I was thinking more about working for them. They need sorting out at the company. The computers are sound, but the organisation is not up to scratch. They're...
  11. yogidaz

    attn: the irish of the board

    Thanks guys, 'specially Zupi for that really kind offer. My email is Dublin is probably the easiest for starting work, but then isn't Cork the HQ of Apple Europe? I have a good feeling about Cork. I've heard Limerick is a shithole so I might try there just to be a bit...
  12. yogidaz

    attn: the irish of the board

    I know Ireland is supposed to be one of the more expensive countries in Europe, but if the life quality is higher (great nature) does this make it a good place to relocate to? What do you Irish reckon? Will I, an English bloke, be accepted? At least if I get any stick, I can only agree, because...
  13. yogidaz

    Darren White: not dead and not dreaming

    Nice one Kev, lar. Good to know you're still around too! We'll keep in touch. Hope you like the tunes. We have just spent a couple of days in a studio in Liverpool recording some more tracks. It is being mixed today. It was quite a rush, but we had to get in and record some of our new songs so...
  14. yogidaz


    Hmmm, yeah. It is often like that. You can take a load of shit but if someone takes the piss out of your mum then thass it, the gloves are off! And at least if he had have said it to Mehdi's face then Mehdi would have had the chance to punch him and the lad could have taken the punch happy in...
  15. yogidaz


    Does this thread have a direction or is this just pure internet improv unfolding before our very square eyes? Alas poor Gorik / Forlorn Hope / Cerulean, why are people dissing him? Is it that he has pissed people off or is it just that people are seeing someone with issues and they are just...
  16. yogidaz

    Darren White: not dead and not dreaming

    Wait and see. Don't get too enthusiastic. These things have a habit of not materialising!
  17. yogidaz

    Darren White: not dead and not dreaming

    1) Yes 2) I don't think I have listened enough to say enough. I have his out-takes CD, but I should imagine that the official releases are better. From what I heard, I like the dark acoustic stuff more than the programmed stuff. I like Mick much more than the ladies who sang. He exhibits far...
  18. yogidaz

    where you there in Israel

    yeah, for ten years now.
  19. yogidaz


    If you drink the whisky then you might not mind so much about the stains. Drink the vanish stuff and you won't care too much about anything! By the way. Stan, you should write a book on those bloody "heavy metal housewife" tips.
  20. yogidaz

    where you there in Israel

    Shalom Klei ... I would swap my copy for some of your nice food. If only you could post me some. Falafel, hummous, pitta, you know - all the veggie stuff (no meat). I was in Syria (yeah, sorry if you can't go there but you know why that is) and I also had "Fatteh". This was my favourite. Don't...