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  1. Super Mahrio


    Yeah, during that show in 2003, i think because he had a Distorted Mind hat. He briefly thought Reuben was you.
  2. Super Mahrio

    It's good to see so many old faces

    HEY REMEMBER ME? Man, it occurred to me the other day how important Warrel and Nevermore were/are to so many people. The reason we all know each other, definitely.
  3. Super Mahrio


    Yes. Oh hai Steve! I like peanuts!
  4. Super Mahrio

    I miss Nevermore.

    IRIS! (*)(*)
  5. Super Mahrio

    I miss Nevermore.

    Me three!
  6. Super Mahrio

    A Brew for The Old Neverboard

    This is a thing!
  7. Super Mahrio

    Talk about something!!

    Perhaps this board should be renamed the Warrel Dane Show? You know, boost activity and such. Also: Fuck the police. HOLY SHIT IM POSTING ON UM! Theres an icicle in the Seven Hells right now.
  8. Super Mahrio

    A sad reality

    Yearp. Next month will mark my tenth year as a member here. Pretty wild that this place is still around.
  9. Super Mahrio

    A sad reality

    Omg. Hey dude!
  10. Super Mahrio

    A sad reality

    Awww someone misses us. And yeah im periodically reminded that this place still exists. Also, holy shit, UM! When was the last time this forum(s) seen a vBulletin update? :erk:
  11. Super Mahrio

    Now Van's open to a reunion

    I'll help with the shanking. Toss in some Skinny Puppy and you got yourself a deal!
  12. Super Mahrio

    Now Van's open to a reunion

    Mmmmm.....Yummies. Now i definitely have a beef with Meshuggah! Feast on, my friends! For the night is dark and full of turnips!
  13. Super Mahrio

    Now Van's open to a reunion

    I got no real beef with Meshuggah.
  14. Super Mahrio

    Now Van's open to a reunion

    Because their sound is easier to market. Its "catchier" and appeals to Joe Shmoe a bit more than something like Nevermore. Its just the way things roll sometimes.
  15. Super Mahrio

    horrible new jeff loomis track

    Nah, Dahveed. The best part was when the song ended. :tickled:
  16. Super Mahrio

    horrible new jeff loomis track

    Yeah sums up how i feel about this. Its really a dull song. No real inspiration and very wonky with the timing. I just...didnt enjoy that at all.
  17. Super Mahrio

    Now Van's open to a reunion

    Oh hai Lynn! :wave: DW, stop having the same opinions as i do! Its just...WEIRD! :P Uwauf. I found that so freaking dull, i just cant even. I was all "yawn..." Thats funny! Youre a funny guy! (hey Kev...remember that?)
  18. Super Mahrio

    post your sexy pics here

    Short. lol!
  19. Super Mahrio

    Now Van's open to a reunion
