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  1. MightyDrynwhyl

    What's your favorite songs that clocks over 10 minutes?

    Too easy... Wormphlegm-In An Excruciating Way... Forest of Shadows-Of Sorrow Blue My Dying Bride-The Return Of The Beautiful Khanate-Pieces of Quiet Khanate-No Joy Converge-Jane Doe Deinonychus-The Final Affliction of Xafan Any Esoteric song with the exception of "At War With The Race"...
  2. MightyDrynwhyl

    Shape Of Despair - Illusion's Play

    Can't wait. Even if I do happen to think Shape of Despair is the worst of the main funeral doom bands. They are still amazing.
  3. MightyDrynwhyl

    what type of metal do you listen to?

    Doom is my favorite genre. I love every style of doom but I think funeral, early death/doom, and black/doom are the best. I also like black metal, metalcore(but not that kind with the melo-death shit in it), death metal, thrash, power, traditional metal....etc. You can see where I'm going with this.
  4. MightyDrynwhyl

    Favorite Immolation album

    Nobody said anything about being cool.
  5. MightyDrynwhyl

    Favorite Immolation album

    Yeah, and I didn't have anything better to do, so why not pick on somebody? :)
  6. MightyDrynwhyl

    recomend me some dark metal

    Forgotten Tomb as well.
  7. MightyDrynwhyl

    Favorite Immolation album

    The excuse you give for your bands lack of creativity is about as good as telling the teacher your dog ate your homework. And why are you bringing another band to "back up" the whole age factor in your band?
  8. MightyDrynwhyl

    Pirate Metal?

    Pirate metal? I think American bands would be better off doing "Wild west" metal, as that was actually an American way of life, while pirates existed from many countries.
  9. MightyDrynwhyl

    Recommend some stoner/sludge/doom

    Has Funeralium released any material?? I've been looking forward to hearing this project for a long time now.
  10. MightyDrynwhyl

    recomend me some dark metal

    Bethlehem Dolorian Deinonychus early Katatonia Frozen Tears(somewhat) Summoning Nightly Gale Cultus Sanguine These all fall under what can be basically percieved as actual dark metal, after the Bethlehem style(except for Summoning).
  11. MightyDrynwhyl

    Bands like Venom?

  12. MightyDrynwhyl

    What did you listen to when you were about 10 ? 10? Probably Ozzy, Black Sabbath, Kiss, Led Zeppelin, Rush, The Doors, AC/DC, and Metallica.
  13. MightyDrynwhyl

    Look at this crazy convo

    No no, the abuse, especially the verbal assaults and name calling towards me, that's why I came back here.
  14. MightyDrynwhyl

    Look at this crazy convo

    I do it because I like the abuse.
  15. MightyDrynwhyl

    IX Equilibrium

    Also, I think the guitar production on this album is horrendous, they really could've done better there.
  16. MightyDrynwhyl

    IX Equilibrium

    No, I'm stating that for the next 100 or so comments on how they sold out and stopped playing black metal.
  17. MightyDrynwhyl

    The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

    I am really enjoying the Wormphlegm demo and wish I could see them at the Ashes To Ashes Dust To Dust festival. I doubt I've ever heard more tortured music in my life. They make Khanate look like pussies.
  18. MightyDrynwhyl

    IX Equilibrium

    I think it's a great cd, sure it's not black metal, but who cares?
  19. MightyDrynwhyl

    Recommend some stoner/sludge/doom

    Also: Tear Gas and Plate Glass Malasangre Goatsblood Fleshpress 5ive Unpure To Christ Planet AIDS
  20. MightyDrynwhyl

    Look at this crazy convo

    Using words that aren't typical show that you don't want to say what you mean or are incapable of a reply so you thesaurize(not a real word) words to make yourself sound smart and dazzle people with your "intellect". Are you a politician? Also, maybe those "hardcore and emo kids" don't...