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    Post your music here if you want people to comment on it
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    Post your music here if you want people to comment on it

    Shortened piano/vox cover of Manowar's "Courage". Let me know your thoughts.
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    First song you listened to by Sym X

    Back in 2000. The final verse and conclusion of "The Edge of Forever". It was like a damn holy musical (to quote the band) awakening. "V" had just been released, my friend played "Egypt" and though I enjoyed it, it wasn't until hearing "The Edge Of Forever" that I understood Symphony X's...
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    Top 5 Favorite bands?

    1) Evergrey 2)Pain of Salvation 3)Savatage 4)Blind Guardian 5) Symphony X Long live these bands....and bless them for their creations.
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    Afraid to go to the show

    Barlow was in a league of his own when it came to precision, emotion, onstage persona, and the ability to convey the true message of each song. I respect Schaffer's decision to have Owens on vocs, but I respectfully and completely disagree with him. I imagine Iced Earth's legacy to be...
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    Enemies Of Reality

    whoa... from the title, it sounds gangsta. ? but with characters like 'realists', I doubt its from the hood. when did the movie come out?
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    Until life teaches us to be stoned or ashamed

    I truly believe that by this lyric, Warrell is being quite blunt with the words. He speaks the statement literally and without metaphor... Some people only learn one thing in their life: that they have much to be shameful of and the only means of avoiding this fact is through drugged...
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    When music makes you fucking lose your mind

    Nothing beats the spiritual experience of those perfect musical creations. Some of my faves-- Nevermore: Tomorrow Turned Into Yesterday Who Decides The Fault of the Flesh No More Will/Forever The...
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    favorite lyrical themes

    Death of loved ones, revenge, nostalgia, innocence lost, intellectual questioning, some mythology (symphony x and virgin steele), solitude, drugs, political struggle, horror.
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    Tim THE RIPPER Owens joins Iced Earth!!! \m/!!!

    To hear someone say that Ripper would GET THEM BACK INTO ICED EARTH basically says this: "Matt Barlow's voice wasn't as good as Rippers, thank god he's out of the band now, eh?" I'm sorry but FUCK THAT. Owens is an arrogant piece of white trash shit who, in terms of musical ability...
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    Blackest of the Black - LA!

    I missed all of Lacuna's set except for the final song, one of my faves, so I'll have to accept that. I Love that Scabbia. The way she performed was different than I had expected, with her headbanging right along with the rest of the band. They were full of energy, and I wished I could have...
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    The upcoming LA Danzig/Superjoint Ritual, I mean, Opeth show.

    Hey all. About a week ago, my cousin informed me to my pleasant surprise that Opeth and Lacuna Coil were playing at the LA ampitheatre on May 3rd. Though tonight, to my revulsion, I saw on ticketmaster that Opeth/Lacuna weren't the headliners. As most of you probably already know, the main...
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    Best Album you have ever bought!!!

    I must credit Savatage "Dead Winter Dead". It brought me into the world of metal.
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    Pain Of Salvation LIVE -What an experience!

    hell yeah man, I can imagine their concert experience to be pretty damn awesome!
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    Recommend some emotional metal ballads...

    Metal ballads have always been a deep passion of mine. Angel Dust-Still I'm Bleeding Follow Me (Pt. 1) Nevermore-Dreaming Neon Black Savatage-All That I Bleed Alone You Breathe Not What You See Desiree (Acoustic Piano...
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    It's saddening to witness such a display on the Nevermore BB, which I have always con

    Nothing like a warm fuzzy mocking to come home to... Heh, whatever...
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    In response to the false thread.

    Whoa. I didn't realize how much turbulence my retort would cause. Rebirth: I wasn't trying to make an enemy. As you know, we all have a right to our opinions... you spoke yours, I spoke mine. Chromatose: In looking back on my post, I can see how it may seem hypocritical. Let me...
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    kill all OPETH forum members!!!! thats for sure

    Not that I'm going to be pissed that one person on this board decides to take a dump on everyone who frequents the Opeth BB, but I must express my annoyance: --Lumping the entire spectrum of Opeth BB'ers (which has about 150-200 members I believe) together, and then labeling them as...
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    Travis in Spectrum 9 fantasy art publication

    Spectrum 9. I just saw this the other day was truly astounded by some of the talent found within it's pages. There is some amazing shit here. The reason I posted though, is because Mr. Smith's art for Devin Townsend's 'Terria' is within. If anyone into fantasy/surreal/dark art...
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    how to make a hit RnB single!

    heh heh, this is fucking great Jester. I too detest that marketing scheme to lure in as many ignorant listeners as possible. Where did you get that thing? I know it's not real, but I was wondering if the page you got it from had some other funny shit as well???