Search results

  1. S

    New Enchant Video Clip on YouTube

    Hey Enchant Fans: This is not a "new" clip, but it's new to YouTube and probably new to many of you. When "Live At Last" came out, I helped with the interview material for the Bonus DVD. Doug was kind enough to give me permission to re-cut some of the material to use as a demo for my video...
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    DVD Video Quality?

    Unfortunately, no. It was shot in a standard 4x3 aspect ratio. So, the boys will be a bit stretched on your widescreen TV, but they'll still sound fantastic!
  3. S

    European tour

    Hi Kristin! I'm going to be in Europe around the same time. I'm hoping to coordinate the two, but I'm unsure if I can make it happen. The potential overlap time is so short...
  4. S


    I'm sure you'll get quite a bit of input from others on Rush & Marillion, so I'll focus on Genesis (my all time favorite!) :grin: If you focus on studio albums, I'd start with one from each "era." "Selling England By The Pound" is a good starting point for the Peter Gabriel era. If you like...
  5. S

    some wonderings

    Don't get back on track yet until I get to say what's burning in my heart... There's something TRULY WRONG in the world when William Hung can sell 100,000 units of his latest album and the guys in Enchant have day jobs... Absolute insanity...! :yuk: OK...venting completed... please...
  6. S

    Nearfest bootleg I keep hearing about!

    Damn video people! Can't trust 'em... ;) Gotta get a better one next time...! :grin: YES! Release it all! The more ENCHANT the better! It's especially worth it to have a live version of "Prognosis!"
  7. S

    Favorites by Album

    Hey Gang: Been off the forum for a while, but Sean's post was too much to resist... I thought this was a ridiculous thread at first. Who in the world would try to single out ONE song from each of Enchant's exceptional releases?!?!?!? I thought this would be a fruitless exercise, and then...
  8. S

    Kristin... The Tubes line-up has changed considerably over the years, but Fee is still around. I haven't seen them live since the mid 90's, but they've always put on a great show. Fee as Quay Lewd singing "Stand Up & Shout" and "WPOD" are classics, but they had so many good albums: "Remote...
  9. S

    Hey Kristin! It's nice to know there's another local Enchant fan here who's a fan of another great Bay Area band! I've been into the Tubes for YEARS, and actually did some work with them back in the 80's. I've got a huge photo album of shots of me with Fee, Prairie and all of the guys. They...
  10. S

    TONS of New Pictures!

    Hey Bill: Do what you can to get a hold of a scanner. I think YOU have the ONLY photo of me & my wife to prove that we were there that Friday night!
  11. S

    Newly Enchanted

    LURKER...? DODO...? G E T I T ?!?!?!?! Any G E N E S I S fans out there among the Enchanted...?
  12. S

    Last night's Enchant webcast...rebroadcasting now.

    ["Enchant, pleeeez play a show in the bay area! Pleeez get together with your fans! Pleeeeez don't drop any songs from the DVD..... Bryan, pleeeez keep rebroadcasting ..."] Kristin... You speak for ALL of us. PREACH IT, girl!! :rock:
  13. S

    Saturday's INCREDIBLE show

    Hey Dave... Dig the monkey, man... especially now that I know the story! My J9D10 is from Germany. All other IO's are from the US...
  14. S

    Saturday's INCREDIBLE show

    [Who else has the original versions of Blueprint and Wounded?] Hey Bill... I DO! As I told many of you my Enchant discovery story over the weekend, I first found Blink in a Borders, of all places. Then, I found Tug in another store. I went to and bought J9D10, Break & Time Lost...
  15. S

    Amazing performance...

    Can't add much more to all that's been said... Friday night was an unprecedented opportunity to meet and get to know a GREAT bunch of people. My wife Jennifer is new to all this and she had an incredible time meeting everyone. All you forum folks that we met: Bill from VA, Disco Dave, Dave...
  16. S

    Anyone see The Passion?

    Cinematic excellence. Directoral brilliance. Scripturally & historically accurate. Spiritually intense and profound... Too much to cover in a forum. I could write a Doctoral Thesis on the subject. If anyone hasn't seen it, GO! :)
  17. S

    Pre Show Party

    Hey Gang! I'm beginning to agree with an earlier post that suggested that everyone wear nametags on Friday night at Pyramid! Many of you appear to know eachother beyond your usernames, but us newbies only know the usernames from this forum. Be sure when we all meet Friday to introduce...
  18. S

    Wow...Just discovered Enchant

    Actually, the link directly from the streaming host is from this page: It will list all of the acts from Nearfest 2002, and you can select video or audio streams at the appropriate bit rate for your internet connection. And yes, you will need Real Player! :)
  19. S

    Pre Show Party

    Thank you, Ed! My wife & I will be there, and we're looking forward to meeting everyone!
  20. S

    Pre Show Party

    Is this event still only for folks that are travelling from a distance, or can any of us fans come and join in for a beer...?