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  1. 5150

    Progpower performances on DVD

    Jorn - Live In America from 2006 performance
  2. 5150


    You mentioned you have seen them. Which version did you see and like? That will help determine what to listen to with NW. Personally I never liked operatic vocals with my metal. Just too bizarre and grading. Not unlike fingernails on a chalk board. But that’s me. I recognize the talent of...
  3. 5150

    ProgPower USA XXI postponed

    Don't listen to the Facebook asswipes. The overwhelming majority of us are with you and will support the festival. Through the years, you and I have had our differences about band selection but it was never personal. I'll be with you until the end.
  4. 5150

    ANUBIS GATE: Covered In Colours

    Interesting version but not sure it does much for me. Of course, I am not a cover band fan unless the artist REALLY changes it and makes it their own.
  5. 5150

    RIP Brian Howe (Bad Company)

    Liked both versions of Bad Company, for different reasons. The Brian Howe version fit the 80's and early 90's. Shame it didn't last, but I certainly understand his reasons for leaving. Same could be said for Tod Howarth and Frehley's Comet.
  6. 5150

    GREEN CARNATION: Leaves Of Yesteryear

    Wow, I am impressed! Was this actually released on May 8th as planned or delayed by the pandemic?
  7. 5150

    Poll: Best Redemption Album?

    I like em all but Art of Loss has some great songs and the best vocals. Can't wait to hear the new one. Redemption is just one of those bands that you know is going to provide new and wonderful music that is meaningful, even if dark.
  8. 5150

    Sons Of Apollo - Portnoy, Sherinian, Bumblefoot, Sheenan and Soto

    Just saw them on the cruise. The first show was great but had a few rough patches as it was the first ever. The second Show on the pool deck was spot-on and kick ass. And yes you'll enjoy the extras they throw in. The how band is great but JSS is the man.
  9. 5150

    Imminent Sonic Destruction - Triumphia

    They are also opening for the remaining Winery Dogs tour dates.
  10. 5150

    Joel Gregoire's (of Stride) new band - Rev Skelton Sounds and looks like a cross between Alice In Chains (grunge) and Alice Cooper (with the comical creepy vibe). Pretty good band live.
  11. 5150

    Poverty's No Crime - Spiral of Fear

    Wow, what a great progressive metal album! High time these guys got a shot at PP USA. After Dream Theater's disappointing fairy tail album of bland music written to please Petrucci's and Jordon's girls, this is the prog-metal album we need and want.
  12. 5150

    New Def Lep

    I am reminded from time to time why I gave up on this band a long time ago. As new Def Lep songs go, its not a bad song, But also not very good and so freaking close to Queen, its embarrassing as a near rip-off. Enough with the Queen clones. I loved Queen back in the day, even these pop...
  13. 5150

    VANDEN PLAS: Chronicles Of The Immortals – Netherworld II

    Godmaker's Temptation
  14. 5150

    PPUSA Day 1 Headliner Announcement! (update 11/16)

    OK, you got my attention, like you knew you would. Thank you for not completely forgetting about us old school prog rock fans. A Great addition to the festival!! Dare I wish for similar bands like Magic Pie or Cryptic Vision in the future?
  15. 5150

    PPUSA Day 1 Headliner Announcement! (update 11/16)

    Circus Maximus, Oh Yeah!!! Finally a band announcement worth making the trip on Thursday. And they should have a new album to promote.
  16. 5150


    Scream is probably the best song yet from the album. I'm definitely buying this album.
  17. 5150


    Wow, shows how bad my predicting was. It sold out so quick, I didn't even get to comment this year. Like I was going to slag it this year. I knew better. :loco: Regardless of my personal opinion, I happily did my part to spread the disease (I mean the "word"). So congratulations Glenn...
  18. 5150

    THRESHOLD - European Journey 2CD live album

    Oh no, we can't have them back. That would be too much inbreeding. We need more dime-a-dozen cheese power metal bands. Raise your sword and chant!! :Spin:
  19. 5150

    Progpower performances on DVD

    Red Circuit. The bonus DVD with their latest studio album.
  20. 5150

    Persefone Removed from ProgPower USA XVI Roster

    I understand the frustration but most of us would be there regardless of who you book. For anyone that's been a few times, its an event and not specific bands. So we got your back Glenn. Possible replacements to consider would be Enchant, Pamela Moore, Neal Morse, Joe Satriani, King's X...