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  1. Etaoin

    escape the day - True Norwegian Shoegazer Metal

    ironic isn't it that Pete Townsend started that bit and he's gay :err:
  2. Etaoin

    Firefox users

    your welcome for your gmail account then too bad you're so closed minded...your loss
  3. Etaoin

    Firefox users

    I use Firefox...but if I answer you, do you think maybe you could keep a civilized tone? :err: or will you just go off on another insulting rant?
  4. Etaoin

    If that wasn't Britt Eklund's arse in the Wicker Man...

    being awfully particular about something entirely beyond your reach aren't you? stunt or real, they are both quite pretty
  5. Etaoin


    off topic... :notworthy your new sig :worship: is it from Zardoz?
  6. Etaoin

    My guinea pig just died in my hands

    I am sorry about your guinea pig DOB :(
  7. Etaoin

    Answer me this LOTW

  8. Etaoin

    My guinea pig just died in my hands

    *now has an image of a guinea pig receiving the sacrament...and how do they get up onto the seat in the confessional? many unanswered questions...*
  9. Etaoin

    John Paul Jones

    very cool...can't wait for JPJ TV "The band (Foo Fighters) was very friendly, not to mention huge Zeppelin fans, so by the time I gave them a little Rainsong on the mellotron I could do no wrong!" :tickled: as if anyone wouldn't be floored by being able to play with him! btw Triple...
  10. Etaoin

    research, recycle...

    no, but it was still funny...and I feel unwanted too but I'm used to it...
  11. Etaoin

    Antimatter 060603 Live Video E.P.

    :err: good grief that's a large anus :u-huh:
  12. Etaoin

    Ann summers party tonight

    mmmmm...trigasm..... :Spin:
  13. Etaoin


    :tickled: you're older...but so am I
  14. Etaoin

    so what is it?

    I'd have to agree...lead, rhythm, and bass are all different guitars, and so different players
  15. Etaoin

    research, recycle...

  16. Etaoin

    Land Of The Dead UK release bummed

    it was a gruesomely wonderful movie btw...Dennis Hopper rules :zombie:
  17. Etaoin

    I just ate meat balls on toast

    "We also found that HufuTM is a great product for cannibals who want to quit." :tickled:
  18. Etaoin

    'Planetary Confinement' Ordering Info

    I ordered mine from The End on 7/22 and got it on 7/28
  19. Etaoin

    New Album Opinion

    really great works both :cool: it's a great record...I especially like Line of Fire
  20. Etaoin

    the end of Ra

    why does England have Northern Ireland in the first place? go ahead, abuse me now