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  1. Jadi-Anne

    Monika's Hand injury-by Jadi-Anne.

    That's right you will play again and when you do you will appreciate it more. Never give up on your dreams because your dreams will then give up on you. "Blessed be" Jadi-Anne........
  2. Jadi-Anne

    "Famous" What does that mean???

    Well i guess it would be nice to have the money to back you up in your creative journey of life, "Famous" known for the work you do, people to understand and appreciate what you have created in your musical life, "Famous" to be treated a bit better then anyone else?? We are all the same no...
  3. Jadi-Anne

    Monika's Hand injury-by Jadi-Anne.

    An up-date on Monika's hand, Well her job decided to let her go so now she has no income and they don't want to pay for anymore medical bills, isn't it funny how they like you when your working for them but as soon as you injure yourself they wash their hands off of you. She needs another...
  4. Jadi-Anne

    Monika's Hand injury-by Jadi-Anne.

    Thank you for your kind words, your a sweetheart :) Jadi-Anne xox
  5. Jadi-Anne

    Pictures of everyone and anything....

    I will post a pic of my dog "OZZY" he is so cute :Spin: :) :Spin: I'm just struggling to get some time to myself these days, so damn flat out all the time, I NEED A BREAK :dopey: :Spin: :dopey: I NEED SLEEP......... :zombie: :zombie: :zombie: Oh i should just deal with it...
  6. Jadi-Anne

    (BF) Bitch Fit

    WHAT WAS HE THINKING :hotjump: :hotjump: :yuk: :yuk: :hotjump: :hotjump:
  7. Jadi-Anne

    (BF) Bitch Fit

    Hi All :wave: :Spin: :wave: I just have to bitch about another thing, I have managed Supremacy since the beginning and i thought to myself the other day that i have come to a time in my life i need to give it up and hand it to someone else because i really don't have the time to do it...
  8. Jadi-Anne

    (BF) Bitch Fit

    Circus Brimstone, So sorry i should have looked into this site deeper. So you are a writer, that's great, i also write, i write lyrics, poetry and also write screenplays, i just wrote a script for my movie and i hope to start filming later this year after my new album is out. Anyway i had a...
  9. Jadi-Anne

    (BF) Bitch Fit

    Circus Brimstone, What bands do you like???? And what do you do???, have you any goals in life??? Or is this non of my business IoI :grin: :Spin: :grin:
  10. Jadi-Anne

    (BF) Bitch Fit

    Greetings Circus brimstone, First of all I hope your happy and well, You asked what my favorite bands are, this is a tough question for me and you have me brain drained because my my my i love so many bands, but the last 2 years i have been so isolated away from the world and into the studio...
  11. Jadi-Anne

    (BF) Bitch Fit

    Your correct, The way i see it is no matter what, you should never give up on your dreams cause then your dreams will give up on you. I love what i do to be honest I'm really obsessed with music and any form of the arts. I don't see what the difference is between a musician or a rock star...
  12. Jadi-Anne

    (BF) Bitch Fit

    Hi all :wave: , I watched an American Movie the other day called "White Chicks" Two blonde bomb shell twin sisters in the movie having bitch fits, it made me laugh because i have bitch fits every second day dealing with people in the Australian music industry, it's enough to RIP your hair...