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    Metal and Rock in China

    Hi, Sure, it's one thing to read about metal, it's also one thing to see some pics, but talking about music it certainly is the best to listen to it. Therefore you can have a look at for legal and free downloads of Chinese Rock, Punk and Metal...
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    Metal and Rock in China

    Hi there, well, first of all: Chinese rock ain't that, check out for the whole coverage on Chinese rock and metal history. And to all those in this thread tham spam their racistic statements: I thought metalheads are tolerant or at least can accept other...
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    Metal and Rock in China

    @Xorv: Why? What have they done to piss you off?
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    Metal and Rock in China

    Hi there, China is not only rich in culture of the past 5000 years, but has also present cultural pieces of art to appreciate. In the musical sector this also includes the Rock, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Punk and Post Punk Scene. Even though rock music developed just within 15 years, the...
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    Rock and Metal in the P.R. of China

    [公告] Hello Everyone, former "Metal In China" Columne of Painkiller Web has moved to its own Domain: This is an english Website not only for Metal music now but also for Chinese Rock Music in General...
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    Opeth in China

    Dear all, Even though there aren't too many metal fans in China, Opeth though is quite popular and well known among those who consider themselves Chinese metalheads. All of Opeth's CDs can be bought in the local markets and some bands try to imitate Opeths style. To know more about the...