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  1. Coldfire Mouse

    Our Facebook ProgPower USA Memes (update 1/9)

    the Wang Dang Sweet Pootang one is the absolute best!
  2. Coldfire Mouse

    If you love Ocean Machine.....

    Holy broomsticks Batman this is fekkin heavy! I may have to breakdown and buy a CD for the first time in years. Thanks for the heads up. Totally fits my mood lately. I should take this to work to scare off my co-workers...especially the ones that complained about my Grumpy Cat pics.
  3. Coldfire Mouse

    The Heavy Metal Walking Boot

    PLeasure meeting you this ProgPower. Saw you all weekend making your way around with that boot. Hope your recovery is fast and successful! \m/\m/
  4. Coldfire Mouse

    Quotes from Progpower XIV

    Jhallum ya beat me to that one! For the record a 2nd baggie of those made it safely home. I'm saving them for Friday nite. what could go wrong right? ;)
  5. Coldfire Mouse

    Quotes from Progpower XIV

    Fishsticks and Kraft Mac and Cheese.
  6. Coldfire Mouse

    Glenn's last minute (video) message for attendees

    hey maybe I can actually get a decent seat this year!
  7. Coldfire Mouse

    The 2013 "Official Countdown / Arrival Times"

    we are driving down from Metro DC (well Scott is driving and I'm on the broom ;) ) and should arrive late Weds afternoon at the Artmore. I have not been to that hotel since 2002 and it was The Grenada. Altho still anxious, I am looking forward to this. Altho I need another week to get ready!
  8. Coldfire Mouse

    Public Health announcement

    start taking the EmergenC, Airborne, and Echinaccea with golden seal now. Then the PPCrud will have a harder time infectin ya. I've already started dosing.
  9. Coldfire Mouse

    KNOW YOUR LIMIT - The Courtyard PSA

    getting drunk and stupid was never my idea of a good tackle huggin...THAT was a good time ;) Here's to hoping the fun time is a good time and one that does not result in stupid.
  10. Coldfire Mouse

    KNOW YOUR LIMIT - The Courtyard PSA

    well gosh darnit...I guess raising a demon in the courtyard is ruled out then? ;)
  11. Coldfire Mouse

    Reminder for those staying at the Artmore...

    just checked with my Scott and our card has not been charged yet. Really hoping we don't have room/reservation troubles this year.
  12. Coldfire Mouse

    Forum Members Poster for ProgPower XIV

    Love the picture of Sumeet! Best ever! Sorry I have no recent picture of my Scott and myself. And I'm a bit smaller than I was at the last ProgPower. I'll be hanging with the tall bald smiling guy with a mustache and hardware in his ear. Because there are only one of those guys at this...
  13. Coldfire Mouse

    Favorite or most cherished souvenir from Prog Power XII

    Jen got me a Vanden Plas set list from Thursday (thankyouverymuchforthinkingofme)...which I got signed by all of VP on Saturday! And a picture Scott and myself with Andy of VP (taken by Jaimek)
  14. Coldfire Mouse

    Nanners - PPUSA's Banana Bandit

    I get the banana thief thing. when ya needs the potassium ya just gotta have it...but the pants down around the ankle thing...I just can't reconcile that with ANY known PP behaviours! I don't even wanna KNOW what one does when drunk with bananas and the pants down thing. NO WAY!
  15. Coldfire Mouse

    ProgPower Flu Thread - Who's got it?!

    I figure I have a TON Of makeup to toss out and replace now and a ton of brushes to be washed....but is shopping! This is what I get for not wearing makeup all the time like a good southern woman ;) Now to make my eye stop itching!
  16. Coldfire Mouse

    ProgPower Flu Thread - Who's got it?!

    Hi! I'm the girl with the styes in my eye. and yeah I was doing the hand sanitizing thing all trip. I'm thinking since I rarely wear make up and wore some on Thursday night and woke up with it on Friday...that it might have been the make up.
  17. Coldfire Mouse

    ProgPower Flu Thread - Who's got it?!

    Addendum to our health update. my Scott has the Post PP crud and his best friend Denis as well. Despite the fact we bought a uge box of EmergenC and were taking it all thru the days. THe lack of sleep has weakened my resistance so when I had to take care of our Metal Bunnehs when we got...
  18. Coldfire Mouse

    Cheers and Jeers

    another not a fan as well. mumblegrumblecoldiesmashmumblegrumble. she is SO going in my jeers...her lil blondie metrosexual too!
  19. Coldfire Mouse

    ProgPower Flu Thread - Who's got it?!

    Didn't get the flu, but in the Annual ProgPower Health Sweepstakes, I came back with 2 styes on 1 eye! Joygasms abound!
  20. Coldfire Mouse

    Thank you Glenn, for bringing LABYRINTH

    someone wearing nad grabbers ;) Rob was just beyond on point. he handled the lower ranges just as easliy as the nad grabber ranges. And damn there was some eye candy on that stage ;) I hope they bring back tight jeans on men soon!