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  1. R

    Black metal band RAVENPLAGUE we havent started recording but i needed to post a place for the music so here it is. Will post better versions soon. post ur comments. tnx
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    to van williams

    well van dude...i was wondering if you were ever interested in doing a black metal frost on 1349...just wondering if u ever...with your technicality you would make an amazing drummer for a technical black metal band! like mayhem on Grand declaration of war' ...sorry just a thought
  3. R

    band info?

    who are you guys? where do i get info on ur band....???
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    NILE - SA - Connection?

    so hold on...there are two black metal projects that are happening is with u asgeir, and...(the members please?) Karl is playing with you right? and this dude Hieronimus(????) who is talking about black metal project one is another black metal project? if i am right....great...
  5. R

    where are nevermore going?

    ummm doesnt good mean what you like or in simple terms what your mind can comprehend?...yet u dont want them to come here and read the threads is the whole point of selling an album right?..which is what i feel...they were doing their stuff before now they doing what seems to...
  6. R

    NILE - SA - Connection?

    come out come out.....who are u man? and what is this thing about two drummers in ur band??? come on tell us cos someone think u are tony or karl!!!savagely innovative black metal eh? super technical i presume...neat!
  7. R

    where are nevermore going?

    woah! hold on I like nevermore as much as u do buddy and yes Nevermore drummer is as technical as Messhuggah. I dont want N to sound like M. I believe that they sound no more like Nevermore used to. Nevermore is a pretty technical band no doubt. Are the band members here on forum page?
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    where are nevermore going?

    what??????? c'mon guys...the band was pretty technical in the beginning now i can pic out all the timings and stuff...the drummer is probably losing it! He must be thinking '1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4...' dont compare steve to pat man...steve is a leady but no way close to the beauty pat brings to the...
  9. R

    NILE - SA - Connection?

    My deepest respect to one of the best bands i have ever come across and as a musician myself I am happy to hold Spiral Architect as one of the reasons I am pushing myself.... so asgeir can u even compare to what frost is doing on 1349 or hellhammer on mayhem? Listening to your Borknagar and...