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  1. Devildog11887

    Fastest metal band?

    bullshit what song
  2. Devildog11887

    Fastest metal band?

    the fastest band ive heard is crytopsy NOONE can argues with their blast beat on Carrionshine! It should be noted that... (agorophobic nosebleed doesn't count)
  3. Devildog11887

    Technicality or stupidity?

    they might be, but as a whole, the backing musicians just don't play anything crazy. Like I said, they may be some of the best musicians ever, but when they put a backing track to Vai, it is just an easy warm atmosphere. I heard Necrophagist today for the first time, and I said "HOLY SHIT...
  4. Devildog11887

    Music: The Most Intellectually Demanding Artform?

    FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!!! start posting about anti-semitism here
  5. Devildog11887

    Philosophy and Anti Semitism

    This came up in another thread in General Discussions. Do you believe that anti-semitism is commonplace with philosophers? I don't because many of the great philosophers were not anti-semitist.
  6. Devildog11887

    Technicality or stupidity?

    Not neccessarily. I was watching Vai play some song and the other musicians were just making a simple atmosphere for Vai to solo over. If they are talented, then they definately didn't shot it. A bass line that goes like E---0s7------------os7-------------os7-----------os7- and the...
  7. Devildog11887

    Technicality or stupidity?

    You don't seem to be getting the point. Steve Vai is extremely talented and exremely technical, but only Vai. The drummer isn't doing anything special, and the bass player is just grooving. This means that if you count the entire band, it isn't technical. I agree with you on the black...
  8. Devildog11887

    Osama attacks on US.

    I went Reserves. I'm not totally crazy
  9. Devildog11887

    Music: The Most Intellectually Demanding Artform?

    okay that was a bad example, but even though most artists have a purpose behind their work, some intentionaly leave it to be determined by the audience. My previous rant and this post is trying to prove that no form of art is easier or harder to add inteligence into.
  10. Devildog11887

    Music: The Most Intellectually Demanding Artform?

    well in math, a number can mean many things 2+x = 4 2*x=4 x=2
  11. Devildog11887

    Music: The Most Intellectually Demanding Artform?

    I believe he was anti-semitic. I'm not sure though I still stand by my theory though. I don't see where you are getting dumbed down= better I just stated that different people see things differently. For example, a movie- 2001 A Space Odyssey "How could we possibly appreciate the Mona...
  12. Devildog11887

    Music: The Most Intellectually Demanding Artform?

    art is in the eye of the beholder most art can be interpereted in many different ways one can brainstorm for days and use every bit of intelligence they can muster and then inject it into any art. That doesn't matter. If the audience understands it, then you have suceeded. If the audience...
  13. Devildog11887

    Osama attacks on US.

    well I'm sorry if I have been misinformed and I apologize if I don't appear to know what I am talking about, but even if all that you are saying is true, I still cannot wait to be a Marine. Most of my friends are Marines, and some of them are definately against the war, but the main reason I...
  14. Devildog11887

    Osama attacks on US.

    because by going there I can see for myself. I have heard every story about how it's about oil and it's about this and that. One of my good friends has been to Iraq three times now, and he will tell you it's not about oil. Alot of it may seem that way, but the main reason we are over there is...
  15. Devildog11887

    what happened to punk?

    not, punk was founded by Igy and the Stooges in the 60's
  16. Devildog11887

    Technicality or stupidity?

    you have it bacwards. technical individualy, but not as a band
  17. Devildog11887

    Technicality or stupidity?

    This thread is about technicality not talent. I agree that they are talented and technical alone, but with a band as a whole their music isn't technical. Read the first post next time.
  18. Devildog11887

    Osama attacks on US.

    Isreal has the most advanced weapon systems on the planet next to the U.S. I support the war in Iraq, hell I'm going to fight in it. I do strongly disagree with nuclear warfare. If we nuke anybody, someone will get pissed and nuke us back. We don't have the technology to stop multiple nukes...
  19. Devildog11887

    what happened to punk?

    So I like how you have no idea what you are talking about. You can't sterotype punk that way because not all punk is offensive and critic. Take a song that any teenage male would like the lyrics to, Sex and Violence by the Exploited, and see what is soo offensive or critic about it. It also...
  20. Devildog11887

    Technicality or stupidity?

    FUCK sorrry, I meant Emperor. I edited it I agree, Nile is very far from Black Metal