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  1. sengaija


    yupp, it's online now. =)
  2. sengaija

    wtf isn't working. :waah:
  3. sengaija


    i just thought of something. frederik engel and karl marx came up with communism. is that why they changed it from engelpropaganda to just engel? haha. so it wouldn't seem like they were promoting communism ^^ just a thought i had.
  4. sengaija

    Seen Engel Live?

    göteborgskalaset 2005 metaltown 2006 :rock: :rock:
  5. sengaija

    some pictures from the gig at the Close-Up Festival

    awesome pics bro.
  6. sengaija

    Demo of the Month!

    congratulations to engel then =D
  7. sengaija


    we crave new engel music like anna nicole smith craves old guys penises.