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  1. osiru$


    :notworthy :lol: :lol:
  2. osiru$


    Hell Yeah! lol he can't go on stage like this:
  3. osiru$


    OK! There`s no way I could sleep now :). OMG, I can`t wait this!
  4. osiru$

    NIGHTWISH: North American Tour Postponed

    Here`s band`s letter for Tarja: Here`s Tarja`s letter to fans, as an answer:
  5. osiru$

    NIGHTWISH: North American Tour Postponed

    I really like Nightwish. Tarja`s chruch-educated voice featuring metal music adn Marco as a great back-up vocal, is awsome combination. IMHO, of course :) anyways... has Toumas declared any informations about new singer?
  6. osiru$

    Limp Bizkit Broke Up.

    Limp Bizkit= the ultimate shit for teens with fetish on commercial crap.
  7. osiru$

    Iced Earth Gettysburg DVD

    damn, there`s nowhere in Croatia that I could get Gettysburg DVD :(
  8. osiru$

    Not Much Happening In The Iced Earth World

    fucking sad :(((:erk:
  9. osiru$

    Iced Earth vocals

    tnx for recommendations :)
  10. osiru$

    Iced Earth vocals

    Hell yeah! I almost feel disapointed when I realize that there`s not many bands who can "pump me up", like you say, like Iced Earth.
  11. osiru$

    Not Much Happening In The Iced Earth World

    AsModEe Barlow is THE BEST, but he`s gone, and that`s not reason for me to stop listening everything they produce. I personaly think that Ripper can sing all songs, but first album, and Adam`s style of singing, is just made for him.
  12. osiru$

    Iced Earth vocals

    Yeah man... Schaffer`s lyrics are awsome and soooo emotionaly deep. It`s like he`s got song for every emotion you feel, for every mood you`re in.
  13. osiru$

    Not Much Happening In The Iced Earth World

    Is there any news about new Iced Earth album? At least compilation of older songs played by Ripper Owens? :)
  14. osiru$

    Iced Earth No Longer A 'Band?'

    Maybe it`s better for Iced Earth to stay underground than to go on commercial side. I dunno... that`s just my opinion, and the most important thing for them is to continue make great music.
  15. osiru$

    Iced Earth vocals

    Finaly someone noticed this thread :) Firts of all sorry `bout your friend OPR. Barlow is truly magnificant. You can feel like his every emotion while he`s singing, and that same emotions exceed on you while listening. That`s something unique.
  16. osiru$

    Just a new guy...with an opinion

    Hi man! I`m new to these forums also, but it`s great to have one more big Iced Earth fan on board.
  17. osiru$

    Hi all!

    thank you stormy. all agree with my taste in some point, and most of you say that Amon Amarth owns... So, it`s more than obvious that I must get some albums :). Which album should I listen first? Tnx :)
  18. osiru$

    Hi all!

    yup, cool site indeed.
  19. osiru$

    Hi all!

    I never had chance to listen viking metal. tnx a lot guys :)
  20. osiru$

    Hi all!

    ok. I will for sure. Thanks dude.