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  1. AJM


    YEH thats true! the part i have underlined is me through and through! im incredibly open and say what i feel. not scared of approaching guys M
  2. AJM

    The Person Above Me Thread

    hey - intruiging new girl to talk about now! LoL :rock: :goggly: :rock:
  3. AJM


    i suffer from anxiety and depressive tendencies, a mental disorder. one time i did get the kitchen knife in, i pushed hard on my heart and it began to hurt real bad so i stopped. i figured id rather live to atleast 30...
  4. AJM

    Losing snare after mastering

    haha! when i fist saw the title for this forum i thought it was about a snare drum! oops :P :goggly:
  5. AJM

    Stairway to Heaven.

    are opeth any good then? are they heavy?! :rock:
  6. AJM

    I need advice on growling.

    haha i love growling!
  7. AJM


    ahh just like robert green!! get well soon :)
  8. AJM

    Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

    GOD yeah mosquitos are bastards! i cycled stupidly through an alleyway full of nettles at 25 mph yesterday! funnily enough i was wearing denim shorts and a tank top so when i got home i had red arms and legs covered in white lumps! got in: "OWWW!!!":mad:
  9. AJM

    Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

    god yeah long exams are CRAZZYYY! i had 3 hour psychology exams! all bundled together i had such a numb bum by the end! haha hope they all went well/are going well
  10. AJM

    Metal songs that bring back memories

    velvet revolver - loving the alien. it's my new found love!!! mail back any fans! oh and SAXON - denim and leather - brings back memory of waterfront last month...Thom and Andrew teching me the song lyrics!!! =( xxxlovexxx
  11. AJM

    The Band Name Game

  12. AJM

    One Word Game

  13. AJM

    SAXON 2007 TOUR DATES!!!

    hope they come to the waterfront again sometime soon!!
  14. AJM

    The neverending question (seen this one on another forum) DEFINATELY =) velvet revolver / prodigy?!
  15. AJM

    The neverending question (seen this one on another forum)

    :Saint: QUESTION; or chocolate? [hehe]:Saint:
  16. AJM

    Hey guys!

    eyup chuck!
  17. AJM


    WOAH went to my first ever gig lastnight! just so happened to be Saxon and it was AWESOME!managed to get to the front from the very beginning, the band cannot forget me, i touched their bass guitars whilst they were playing, toughed their shoes and everything! well thats my claim to fame this...