Search results

  1. StewiesSexyParties

    Selling some band t-shirts

    Thanks to those who bid on stuff! Also, I altered the shipping costs of the Skinless/Cryptopsy auction and the Iced Earth auction because I tried fitting them into the smaller flat rate envelope and managed to do it so I lowered the shipping from $11 to $5. I couldn't make changes to the Dream...
  2. StewiesSexyParties

    Selling some band t-shirts

  3. StewiesSexyParties

    Selling some band t-shirts

    Yeah, I know: :Spam::Spam::Spam::Spam::Spam::Spam: If this sort of thing isn't allowed here then I apologize to the mods in advance, but I thought I'd give it a shot. I'm currently trying to scrape together some extra cash and have decided to part with some band shirts that I basically never...
  4. StewiesSexyParties

    Bad City

    Heard about these guys through a friend who used to be in a band with the guitar player and thought some people here might be into it because it has an old school feel to it. I also found out they're touring with the Smashing Pumpkins, which gives me that "damn, small world" feeling, because the...
  5. StewiesSexyParties

    Steel Panther - Cubby Bear (Chicago) - 6/25

    I'll be there. I saw them last time they were here at the Double Door and it was a blast. They're fucking great live.
  6. StewiesSexyParties

    what Obama has in store for service members wounded in battle

    Left to die? No one gets turned away because of inability to pay. I want to have a one on one talk with a guy who took a shit ton of extra schooling AFTER college in a builing that he helps pay to keep open, and that should be free because of fat, lazy, cock-sucking societal leeches who...
  7. StewiesSexyParties

    what Obama has in store for service members wounded in battle

    On another note, when in the flying fuck is Bush going to stop being the measuring stick for Obama? Way to set high standards for Mr. Messiah.
  8. StewiesSexyParties

    what Obama has in store for service members wounded in battle

    Wow, god forbid some people get some perks that other people don't. I love it. It's like when I worked for the school district and had to listen to people bitch about the benefits the teachers got but they didn't. Here's an idea for these people: Anyone who is really that envious of the...
  9. StewiesSexyParties

    Megadeth/Slayer/Testament US Tour

    Got my tickets for the Chicago show. Works out perfect - out of school by 5, show starts at 7, gives me two hours to fill myself with a shitload of alcohol. I got a general admission ticket so I'm pretty sure I'll need it.
  10. StewiesSexyParties

    New releases from Inside Out in stock

    Cool deal, I've been slow with the new releases this year - just ordered Devin Townsend, Freak Kitchen, Scar Symmetry, and Umphrey's.
  11. StewiesSexyParties

    Megadeth/Slayer/Testament US Tour

    Awesome! I go to UIC and will be out of school at 5pm that day, so let's see: Megadeth/Slayer/Testament playing right across the street from where I'm going to be not too long before the show, and it's only $10? This is a fucking no-brainer. I'm there.
  12. StewiesSexyParties


    Pretty drunk :kickass: We've been doing pretty well without our captain and Seabrook which is good, but hopefully they come back soon.
  13. StewiesSexyParties


    I can yell obscenities at Havlat while I'm there if you want :muahaha: If I get enough pre-game beer in me he'll hear an earful :kickass:
  14. StewiesSexyParties

    Singer / songwriters of metal

    Hopefully I'm understanding the question right, but when I tried to think of a person in the metal world where you think of "the man and the songs" as opposed to virtuostic playing by solo musicians, the guy that came to mind was Ozzy Osbourne. Not that he hasn't played with some incredible...
  15. StewiesSexyParties


    I'm going to the Hawks vs. Wild game on Monday :kickass: I plan on being too drunk to know what the outcome is :muahaha: :Puke:
  16. StewiesSexyParties


    I was at the game last night, it was insane :kickass: And my hangover is finally going away, so I'm a happy Hawks fan right now :rock:
  17. StewiesSexyParties

    Chicago Folk

    One more from Chicago here. Only ever been to 1 Progpower though so I doubt anyone knows me. Hopefully I'll make it back some day. Anyway, grew up NW of the city but have been downtown lately because of school (I go to UIC).
  18. StewiesSexyParties

    Win VIP tickets to PP USA XI

    What the hell...can't hurt. Friday (opener to closer) Illusion Suite Pathosray Delain Machine Men Cain's Offering Pain of Salvation Saturday (opener to closer) Astra Seventh Wonder Anubis Gate Narnia Tarot Kamelot Probably unrealistic since I'm pretty sure Kamelot is the...
  19. StewiesSexyParties

    Are you sittind down Zod? Pain of Salvation news

    Wow, this makes me not want to go to any potential Chicago show even though I love their music. What a pompous, self-important ass. Seriously, is it just me or does it come off like he's saying "Well, America, now that you've been good little boys and girls and elected a president that makes...