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  1. Black Winter Day

    Life of Pi

    I heard from one smart dude that this book sort of sucks. Maybe when I get done reading all the classics, I'll get around to it.
  2. Black Winter Day

    Blut Aus Nord - Thematic Emanation of Archetypal Multiplicity

    You know you want to.
  3. Black Winter Day

    PRIMORDIAL - The Gathering Wilderness

    And then he goes to bed... You've won this round, Dean!
  4. Black Winter Day

    Blut Aus Nord - Thematic Emanation of Archetypal Multiplicity

    I bought "The Work..." sometime during the summer of 2004 when there was a big hype surrounding it, coming from people such as Nate the Great and others whose tastes I generally trust, and listened to it (sometimes drunk, sometimes stoned, sometimes sober, sometimes while working out) quite a...
  5. Black Winter Day

    PRIMORDIAL - The Gathering Wilderness

    He should be. After all, I did it all for him. I hope he notices it (and the fact I thought that AJE > TGW). Maybe he will even respond!!!!!!!! 1:23 EST. Isn't it past your bedtime? :lol:
  6. Black Winter Day

    PRIMORDIAL - The Gathering Wilderness

    Yes. I was down 10 with a minute to go. I was on the ropes. Down 3 in the final period. I was reeling. The my pals comments, I thought, would be my Ace of Spades. I was wrong. Not only that, but my quote appeared to be wrong. Strike two. And then, and THEN... I become reminded of this...
  7. Black Winter Day

    PRIMORDIAL - The Gathering Wilderness

    How did you find that??? You are truly the search master.
  8. Black Winter Day

    PRIMORDIAL - The Gathering Wilderness

    "We're all just my pals in the end." <--- whoever said that? I'd like to thank them.
  9. Black Winter Day

    PRIMORDIAL - The Gathering Wilderness

    I meant his opinions and such. I'm not calling you an Indian/Sumerian/my pals or whatever he is... :lol: :D
  10. Black Winter Day

    Fantômas - Suspended Animation

    It ruuuullllleeessss... I've been listening to each daily song each day 10 times a day (for that day) cause my name is Black Winter Day. Day.
  11. Black Winter Day

    PRIMORDIAL - The Gathering Wilderness

    Clever! We have a JayKeeley wannabe on our hands. Next thing you know, you'll be finding posts from 2 years ago when I contradict something I said two hours ago! :lol: Every time I see your SN it makes me want to burp. Like this "BUUUUUURRRP BUUURRP BURPBURP BURP BURP BUUURRRRPPP BURPPP...
  12. Black Winter Day

    PRIMORDIAL - The Gathering Wilderness

    Yep. Everything Erik says = gold. Pale Folklore and Brave Murder Day are my two favorite albums of all time. I love "The Astral Sleep". Prog rock sucks. "Det Som En Gang Var" = my favorite song. Bathory > Agalloch. I looooove WFIKTBD. American beer sucks. America sucks. Megadeth aren't all that...
  13. Black Winter Day

    PRIMORDIAL - The Gathering Wilderness

    No one said they hated this just because they liked AJE a LOT more!
  14. Black Winter Day

    Why is album popularity such a bad thing, even in the underground?

    Damn, off-topic again...
  15. Black Winter Day

    Why is album popularity such a bad thing, even in the underground?

    Everyone should read A Rebours (translated into English as Against Nature or Against the Grain) by Joris-Karl Huysmans (yes, he is pompous because he is French). It came out in the late nineteenth century and basically started the whole decadence/aestheticism movement in Europe. It's about a...
  16. Black Winter Day

    Why is album popularity such a bad thing, even in the underground?

    I think Huysmans said it best in his famous novel A Rebours: "He felt the same about his Rembrandts, which he examined now and then on the quiet; and it is of course true that, just as the loveliest melody in the world becomes unbearably vulgar once the public start humming it and the...
  17. Black Winter Day

    Have you ever done any illicit drugs?

    Only Marijuana. Oh, and multiple Xanaxes once, although all it did was make me go to sleep. For a fan of Yes, The Doors and Hunter S. Thompson, I'm surprisingly tame!
  18. Black Winter Day

    PRIMORDIAL - The Gathering Wilderness

    So they are so good that you don't even have to buy their records? :loco: