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    Arnold Schwarzenegger + Metal?????

    I like Austrian Death Machine but I wish they actually used the real samples and not someone doing an impersonation. I know it'd be impossible to get permission for that though.
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    Any OZZFEST predictions before tonights announcement?

    Is Ozzfest returning as a tour this year or is it just going to be in Texas again?
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    Nevermore's new album

    So I'm assuming there still is no second guitarist again?
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    SW Bass Tabs

    Are there any in existence? I just started playing and would love to learn some songs. The one I'm looking for in particular is "The Edge of My Blade". Thanks.
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    Edguy: New album details revealed.

    Which has me excited because that was my favorite song on Hellfire Club.
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    Best Brazilian band I've heard

    I came in expecting Hibria.
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    Japanese metal for the win
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    Yeah there are other bands with worse names. This band kicks ass.
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    Elvenking, where do I start?

    Haha even though The Loser's Ball is just the beginning track off Wyrd, it's my favorite Elvenking track.
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    First Confirmed Dates for JOP/CIIC/Manticora U.S. tour

    I thought I'd go to the show at Jaxx but its 21+ so nevermind.:erk:
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    Elvenking, where do I start?

    People don't give Wyrd enough credit. It was a great album.
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    2 New ones Suspension of Disbelief Point of Uncertainty Embraced by Desolation Absolution of the Soul Nothing
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    What is black light ending
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    I found this on their forum.
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    A demo of a new song is up on their myspace. :kickass:
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    Thanks for the recommendation. Never heard of them before.
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    DORO - tonight at JAXX

    Scarz Within was pretty cool when I saw them open for Kamelot.
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    Protest The Hero - Fortress

    I thought Kezia was okay but after this album came out, I started to appreciate it more.
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    Dream Theater Tour Dates!! Finally Atlanta!!

    All four bands on this tour are phenomenal.
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    Alestorm (some new pirate metal)

    It's a great album. My favorite song is Wenches and Mead.