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  1. bagdad

    Controversial opinions on metal

  2. bagdad

    Controversial opinions on metal

    NocturnalNemesis got banned? lol... I haven't checked in for about a week, nice to hear some good news. On another note, how many mancrushes does Karmablade have?
  3. bagdad

    Have metalcore and deathcore gone beyond death metal?

    Well, the song I heard that got me in to death metal is Death's Zombie Ritual. Although the album Scream Bloody Gore is often considered to be more of an extreme thrash metal album I still consider it as the first Death Metal album I ever heard that I liked. Of course, everyone's tastes are...
  4. bagdad

    Controversial opinions on metal

    Buy me dinner and you have a deal
  5. bagdad

    Controversial opinions on metal

    Pro-posting Tips You don't have to post a video for every song/band you think of. If someone gives a fuck about what you said, they'll look it up themselves. Other times videos may be posted are if the band is obscure or if the video is for lawls Also, Dragonforce and COB aren't exactly...
  6. bagdad

    Have metalcore and deathcore gone beyond death metal?

    I think you should try your luck at the non-metal subforum :Spin::bah::dopey::yell::D:grin::tickled::muahaha::Shedevil::wave::popcorn::o:confused::yow:
  7. bagdad

    Controversial opinions on metal

    I'm guilty of this as well... To be fair though, I've been interested in them since the Valley of the Damned demo where as most 'fans' are guitar hero fags...
  8. bagdad

    Have metalcore and deathcore gone beyond death metal?

    I still say these guys fucking own. I actually have trouble calling them Deathcore or Metalcore as they don't suffer from break-downsyndrome. I saw them live and they're absolutely brutal. Still, I agree that basically all metalcore and deathcore is gay and sucks...
  9. bagdad

    What is your favorite BAL-SAGOTH album?

    I simply can't take this band seriously. Still, if I had to choose it would be The Power Cosmic. Whenever I want to have a good laugh I give it a spin.
  10. bagdad

    What Is Your Favorite Metal Sub-Genre?

    Can't choose... based on my which I haven't scrobbled on in for like a year I guess it would be death metal and death subgenres followed by thrash..
  11. bagdad

    Controversial opinions on metal

    To be fair.. The proper english spelling is theatre..
  12. bagdad

    Controversial opinions on metal

    :lol: Steelbath Suicide = Best Soilwork
  13. bagdad

    Stupid/Funny/Silly Names Of Metal Songs,Albums, Bands...

    I'm pretty sure Bal-Sagoth is supposed to be a joke. I remember my friend playing shit from the album The Power Cosmic on a regular basis just for the lulz. 1/4 to 1/2 of every song is an epic story telling intro
  14. bagdad

    The best metal album of all time!

    TSOP always gets hate, especially on these forums. I enjoy the album quite a bit but I don't think it's Death's best album, let alone the best metal album.
  15. bagdad

    The best metal album of all time!

    So many great albums. I'd have to choose MOP as well... but in the interest of contributing something else, I'll add another album that hasn't been listed yet.
  16. bagdad

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    Strange pacing of songs, catchy lyrics, trippy second half of the album. Arguably my favourite from The Beatles. Hey Bulldog is my favourite track.
  17. bagdad

    Controversial opinions on metal

    :notworthy The Beautiful Wound is one of the best fucking songs I've ever heard. I think Mercyful Fate is awesome. Sometimes the guitar work is hit and miss (riffs sound more rock than metal sometimes), my major complaint is that King Diamond's high notes sometimes just sound silly and...
  18. bagdad

    Controversial opinions on metal

    I don't think I've ever listened to a 'super group' that didn't suck. Anytime labels gather together people from different bands for albums (ie. Road Runner United) or multiple people from other bands start a side project (ie. Bloodbath), It's always shit.