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  1. See You In Hell

    ProgPower USA XVIII: Tickets Wanted/For Sale

    I have one Day 3 (Fri) ticket and two Day 4 (Sat) for sale since I cannot attend this year. Email me at if interested. Tickets are in PDF format so I can send them quickly. I also am set-up for PayPal. I can be flexible with pricing. Thank you! UPDATE: Day 3...
  2. See You In Hell

    Arkona - Russian Pagan/Black/Viking metal

    Thanks for posting this as I was totally unaware this was in the works. It will be interesting to see if they put a new twist on any of these songs, especially "Rus", which still manages to remain my favorite song by the band. I like all their albums so this new disc, even if it is just a...
  3. See You In Hell

    Too soon for predictions/requests for PPUSA 18?

    Hard to believe it's been 3 (hmmm.... or is it 4?) years since I've been able to attend PPUSA! And with my relocation to Colombia almost 3 years ago along with life's ever-shifting priorities, I've lost touch with the music scene for far too long. Therefore, I immediately disqualify myself on...
  4. See You In Hell

    Can we please get some better lyrics?

    There was a time, ages ago, that whenever I picked up a new album, I'd play it several times, go over all the lyrics, and usually memorize them. Back then, the lyrics seemed to be almost as important to me as the music. Somewhere, also many years ago, I lost interest in lyrics. I still had to...
  5. See You In Hell

    Guess the 2016 Lineup

    Always enjoy the speculation these "guess the roster" threads generate, if for no other reason that it gives me new bands to check out. And I've been out of the concert loop for nearly two years largely due to a move to South America. Events have once again conspired to force me to miss what...
  6. See You In Hell

    3 bands you have never seen that you would like to see at PPUSA

    Well off the top.... The Gathering ...somehow convincing Anneke to guest on some songs, especially of the "Mandylion" and "Nighttime Birds" -era songs. Hey, a guy can dream... Arena Glenn previously indicated they really were not a proper fit for the festival but I still hold out...
  7. See You In Hell

    ProgPower USA XVI Roster

    Stellar line-up! My (due to circumstances beyond my control) two-year festival hiatus officially ends in 2015. Can't wait to get back to the fun, the mayhem, the great music, and share it all with some really great people whom I miss dearly. Some come hell or high water, I'll be flying up...
  8. See You In Hell

    Shane Dubose retires from PP USA Kick-Off duties

    Thanks for all the hard work, Shane! You did a kick-ass job! See you in ATL soon....
  9. See You In Hell

    The ProgPower Forum Members Poster - Let's do it!

    Thanks, Jen! Me salvaste otra vez! :worship: I will send it momentarily.....
  10. See You In Hell

    Bands who should be at ProgPower 14...

    Personally, I already know I'll be happy with whatever the official announcement ends up being but, having said that, it is fun to play along. I don't really have anything original to add (what are the odds given the fact that you good people are much more well-versed in the music world than I)...
  11. See You In Hell

    The ProgPower Forum Members Poster - Let's do it!

    I have a photo but lack the requisite software to add a name to it. Should I just post it here anyways for the name to be added in later? Or would you prefer I email the photo to you in its original, unedited format? Thanks!
  12. See You In Hell

    Prog from Costa Rica: Time's Forgotten

    Just discovered this band recently and wonder how many of you have heard of them. Personally, I think they're quite talented so I thought I'd share a few links to some songs to give you a general flavor.....
  13. See You In Hell

    THERION destroyed Center Stage

    No words can describe the brilliance of Therion last night. I can say that what Therion gave us last night was the best show I have EVER seen! And I'm old enough and have seen enough shows over the years to not just say that on a whim. The only thing I woud have changed about their show was...
  14. See You In Hell

    New Anubis Gate

    Save me one! :rock:
  15. See You In Hell

    Caligula's Horse: More Aussie Prog Goodness

    Well I'll have to check this out then because I really like Karnivool! :rock:
  16. See You In Hell

    Dream Evil cancel PPUSA, Replacement Announced

    Not sure what I can contribute here that hasn't already been said but I too was looking forward to seeing Dream Evil but I just cannot begin to understand their lacksadaisical (Pellaz help me out here, that's a big word and I was publicly educated in Texas) approach to a process that was of...
  17. See You In Hell

    Oriental Metal

    Agreed 100%! Arkan are a great band!
  18. See You In Hell

    2011 Arrival Times

    You're talking like I go to shows insanely early and wait for hours so I can get a good spot.... Oh, wait... I do... hahaha
  19. See You In Hell

    2011 Arrival Times

    Going to miss seeing you this year, my friend.... but I know you'll be back next year! :grin:
  20. See You In Hell

    2011 Arrival Times

    I figured you'd already be there and camped out for at least a day or two in order to secure that primo spot up front for the Evergrey acoustic show Wednesday night! :grin: