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  1. C

    Abigail's Ghost "Selling Insincerity"

    Thanks Ken
  2. C

    Abigail's Ghost "Selling Insincerity"

    Hey Ken, I noticed you were selling this album (a great one by the way) on The Laser's Edge and I figured you may be able to tell me. Does this band have any retail distribution or have any affiliation with Inside Out. I know of several people who want the album but don't have access to...
  3. C

    Abigail's Ghost

    Anyone here ever hear of this band? It's been difficult finding their album for sale in retail stores and I was wondering if Inside Out knew about this great band. I saw them on The Laser's Edge and read some favorable reviews on several music forums so I assumed they were affiliated with...
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    Your favorite guitarist

    Steven Wilson Steve Vai Joe Satriani John Petrucci Joshua Theriot Paul Gilbert Buckethead Shawn Lane Shawn Michaud (sp?) Rusty Cooley
  5. C

    Pinched harmonics

    Actually you might want to try boosting the high mids and gain. a treble booster pedal also helps and can sweeten the upper mids and highs as well.
  6. C

    Peavey Supreme XL

    the peavey is very affordable but i found the bottom end to be pretty muddy and it has a hissy midrange at times. it may have been the speakers i played it through though.
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    help with a guitar solo

    On the song "Cerulean Blue" by Abigail's Ghost there's a really off the wall guitar solo that I can't quite figure out how to play it. There really seems like a lot going on and I was hoping a shredder could help me out. You can hear a clip of the song on their website home page at...
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    How to get started with drumming?

    i would say that there is no real surefire way of going about starting. i would learn the basics, probably get a beginner's book or two, and start playing songs and beats to work my muscle memory out. the more you do it the better you get.
  9. C

    Hey there

    hey everyone, i've been trolling the forums for some time now and just now getting around to posting. :rolleyes: