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  1. xxprincess_wildchildxx

    Drummers Thread

    Fuck! There's finally a drummer's thread! :D Yay! I need help gravity blasting, any tips? P.S. Shut up CliffBurton.
  2. xxprincess_wildchildxx

    Describe the person above you.

    ^Awesome at the guitar
  3. xxprincess_wildchildxx

    Describe the person above you.

    FFS I come back after I'm all old and gray And I still have to describe you...:lol:
  4. xxprincess_wildchildxx

    Own Pictures Thread

    Awesome pics Joe :) And LMAO FACIAL FACE! :lol:
  5. xxprincess_wildchildxx

    Describe the person above you.

    ^I come back after like 923873 THOUSAND years. And I STILL have to describe him.
  6. xxprincess_wildchildxx

    Own Pictures Thread

    :lol::p Looks like you had a great time! And :blush: awesome pics <3
  7. xxprincess_wildchildxx

    What are you doing at this moment?

    Listening to my brother and his friends' drunken conversation What lack of sense :lol: And then I heard this about me (to my brother): "Whoaaa your sister plays drums AND guitar? What chick do you know does that!" :lol:...
  8. xxprincess_wildchildxx

    Lets sing a song!

    The first time I heard that song I almost fucking ripped my hair out :lol:
  9. xxprincess_wildchildxx

    The return of the "How are you today?" thread

    Sometimes I hate being a girl >_> My tummy is killing me.
  10. xxprincess_wildchildxx

    A Vs. B

    I dunno Spearmint Vs. Peppermint
  11. xxprincess_wildchildxx

    Describe the person above you.

    ^Yes, you do have an awesome sig
  12. xxprincess_wildchildxx

    Happy Birthday Squeee!

    Ahaha squeeze
  13. xxprincess_wildchildxx

    Happy Birthday Squeee!

    Yeh so I'm like, 2.5 hours early but before I forget (Which of course I wouldn't anyway :Saint:) HAPPY BIRTHDAY KNIC you little muffin thingie.
  14. xxprincess_wildchildxx

    Happy Birthday Heartless_Name

    :lol: It's okay, you were second <3
  15. xxprincess_wildchildxx

    Own Pictures Thread

    Awesome pics Ingrid! You're so cute! :blush: And looks like you had a great time :)
  16. xxprincess_wildchildxx

    Describe the person above you.

    Did you just call me an it?! :lol: ^ I still don't think I've ever seen a pic of him.
  17. xxprincess_wildchildxx


    @Joe: Oh my Lord :lol: How did I miss those! :lol: Awesome
  18. xxprincess_wildchildxx

    Own Pictures Thread

    Awww cute Mima My teddy is white too, but its a bunny And it's got a huge carrot sticking out of it. It looks quite odd from a perverted point of view.
  19. xxprincess_wildchildxx

    Describe the person above you.

    ^Is glad that I don't know much about him.