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  1. SculptedCold

    Cryptopsy = nu-metal

    HAahahahahahahah, oh my feck. That was hilarious.
  2. SculptedCold

    Behemoth's Demigod album.. Yay or nay??

    That's disgusting man. Why the hell aren't they playing music? Or do they do that after they get eachother's manjuices?
  3. SculptedCold

    Psycroptic or Deranged

    There's absolutely nothing lacking in Psycroptic's songwriting abilities.
  4. SculptedCold

    New Anaal Nathrakh

    I think the new album is pretty poor as well.
  5. SculptedCold

    what do you think about Dark Tranquillity

    DT make me feel all warm and fuzzy. I can't really get into Character though; it just doesn't have the same memorable and epic melody that anything previous had. It tries to be too 'heavy' for its own good.
  6. SculptedCold

    Psycroptic Drummer

    Tomas Corn is a good drummer, but he's never really wowed me. I listen to so bloody many technical dm bands and most bands seem to have drummers all of that kind of calibre. I can only pick-out my favourites stylistically, like Proscriptor, Andyan Gorust, Jordan Varela...but as for who...
  7. SculptedCold

    The new Blood Red Throne album.

    TOTALLY KILLER "Altered Genesis" moments: Incarnadine Mangler - opening riff,bleh, typical BRT, but doesn't catch me outro Yeah, the part before the opener riff comes back Tortured Soul Appearance - The "mellow" bridge parts,Interesting...I suppose they have a feeling of suspense...
  8. SculptedCold

    The new Blood Red Throne album.

    Okay, i'm giving it much more dedicated attention listening to it now, and the riffs are starting to reveal and unfurl themselves into greatness, but there aren't many little details that kick me in the face, like the opening to Malignant Nothingness, the leads near the end in Bleeder's Lament...
  9. SculptedCold

    Perfect record

    The only certains i'd wager are; Summoning Gorguts Windir Burzum I would have put forward Immolation if it wasn't for Harnessing Ruin, which I find pretty damn boring...especially in comparison to Unholy Cult. I'd also mention Blood Red Throne and Cult of Luna, but they're only on...
  10. SculptedCold

    The new Blood Red Throne album.

  11. SculptedCold

    The New Strapping Young Lad

    The only good thing Townsend ever did was Terria. Everything else he's done is boring tripe.
  12. SculptedCold

    The new Blood Red Throne album.

    It is not a lot better or any better than Monument of Death. That will never be topped, riffwise, by any DM album now or ever. One thing that is definately lacking on the new BRT album is the drums. It mystifies me that they reportedly kicked their AwtS drummer out of the band because he...
  13. SculptedCold

    The new Blood Red Throne album.

    Hrrrmmmgles. Well I must say to the contrary that I, personally, the biggest Blood Red Throne fanboy I know, he who's favourite DM band of all time is almost certainly Blood Red Throne, and who's alltime favourite DM album is indupidably Monument of Death, is quite disappointed with Altered...
  14. SculptedCold


    Of course, because liking a band is predicated on them having a 'hot chick'. :rolleyes:
  15. SculptedCold

    Psycroptic Drummer

    Tara (Absu's latest) is an even better showcase for his stunning talents.
  16. SculptedCold

    New band containing members of Assuck, Down By Law, and Pseudo Heroes..

    It was a good song indeed. I liked the approach to it, but alas! It's not really my kinda thing.
  17. SculptedCold

    Behemoth - Hard work brings success

    I have to agree with that to an extent.