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  1. August Gales

    Clad In Darkness : A new album ?

    The recording process has begun for the Clad in Darkness full length album at the CarterCo recording studio in Chicago, IL and is being engineered by Mitch Cepaitis of Narwal Audio Recording began on January 19th 2012 and is ongoing...
  2. August Gales

    Video thread

  3. August Gales

    Clad In Darkness : A new album ?

    Good question my friend. We currently have enough material to record our full length concept cd, so really it now is just a matter of finding the time and money to record. Recently we have been focused on practing for our live performance with Alcest that recently past and our upcoming concert...
  4. August Gales

    My Birthday!!

    Happy Birthday!
  5. August Gales

    Cynic Re-traced EP

    New Cynic EP available May 17th with re-imagined versions of select traced in air songs and the new brilliant Wheels within wheels. Also a limited edition LP available as well. Samples on their myspace page...
  6. August Gales

    Video thread
  7. August Gales


    So I've now witness the feat of technical wizardry that is Avatar in 3D. Let me start off by saying that I deffinitely get the Pocahontas references. Now that I've got that out of the way for the critics, I will say that I was seriously amazed at the high caliber CG. Everything flowed...
  8. August Gales

    I think you know the drill

    Speaking of Bears attire.. Here is a couple classic photos from the archive. Later that night... Coy stormed home in the freezing cold in a drunk fit of rage wearing only what is seen in the photos. Must have been a damn cold walk, and Bears lost to boot! Chris gets in the superbowl spirit...
  9. August Gales

    I think you know the drill

    Without further introduction.. The gifts I got Skinnier... Well a skinnier guitar anyhow 12 count Craftsman wrench set An extra 4 inches.. 46 total ! Bayonetta purchased with gift cards Inglorious Bastards! Also received pants, shirts, socks, boxers, more gift...
  10. August Gales

    Remember this song?

    Nothing will ever beat the Sapphist cover of the song Cannonball
  11. August Gales


    I ran across this ariticle on MSN and thought it would be appropriate in this space.
  12. August Gales


    John on the defensive?!!? Damnit John... You are not allowed to have an opinion! If you start coming to practice talking about what direction to take CID's music.. Im out!!!!!!!! Or maybe instead, I'll just let you and Casey do all of the headbutting and Coy can try smooth things over between...
  13. August Gales

    Video thread

    Gunther at 10:39. lol
  14. August Gales

    Video thread

    What have they done to this Ratatat song... I actually like Ratatat quite a bit, but most certainly not in this regard.
  15. August Gales

    Video thread

    I really want to dislike this. But... 1 This is from my favorite Carcass album 2 For some reason this actually works, and doesn't sound too bad.
  16. August Gales

    Happy Beefday Brian!

    Can I jump out of the cake yet? It is getting really hot in here.
  17. August Gales

    Now Playing Thread

    Enslaved - Essence
  18. August Gales

    The King of all Cosmos greatly approves!
  19. August Gales

    Now Playing Thread

    Veneficum - Psychological Orb Unrest