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  1. Kristian Niemann

    Metal mix - feedback wanted

    Thanks all for listening and commenting. Appreciate it a lot!
  2. Kristian Niemann

    modern death metal mix - need your critique please

    Thats sound great. I cant find anything bad to say about sounds like an album!
  3. Kristian Niemann

    Swedish Death Metal (real drums etc)

    What did you use for the guitars? They are crushing.
  4. Kristian Niemann

    Swedish Death Metal (real drums etc)

    Sounds killer! Thats Elias on guitars, right?
  5. Kristian Niemann

    Metal mix - feedback wanted

    Wow, thanks man! :) I mean Ive played in bands for a long time and been involved in record-making but the only things Ive mixed myself are just shitty rough demos that were always meant to be just demos. This is the first time Ive really tried to make something sound good.
  6. Kristian Niemann

    Metal mix - feedback wanted

    Hey peeps, long-time lurker, first-time poster here! Im just getting into mixing so Im a total noob at this so I though this would be a great place to ask for feedback. The song is just a mish-mash of different Priest-songs so never mind that. Id just love some critical opinions on the mix...
  7. Kristian Niemann

    Demonoid Tabs

    Wow, good job guys! If we ever play live I´ll have to look at these tabs to learn the songs ;-)
  8. Kristian Niemann

    Update Aug 2011

    Hey there, all three of you :) Just a short info on the "WhatthefuckisupwithyouguysandwhycantwebuythenewCDyet?" situation and to explain WHY NOTHING SEEMS TO HAPPEN, DAMNIT!: -- We have a new singer. It just didnt work out with Caligula timing-wise. That can happen. No hard feelings, we all...
  9. Kristian Niemann, really!!

    Thanks guys! What happened to Outworld?
  10. Kristian Niemann, really!!

    Thanks bro.
  11. Kristian Niemann, really!!

    Hmmm...right now Im not doing much. We had planned to book studiotime for vocalrecording but unfortunately my father passed away last week and there´s lots of stuff to be taken care of so not much musicwork is being done at the moment. But Im in regular contact with Masse and Ricky so as soon...
  12. Kristian Niemann

    Gear Talk with Kristian!

    There is definitely a difference between having more wires, ie a tone control, compared to just the pickup straight to the output jack. Check out some clips with Guthrie Govan demonstrating his signature Suhr with the blower switch. Its not an earth-shattering difference but its there.
  13. Kristian Niemann, really!!

    We actually played TOF for the first 3 or 4 shows on the GK tour but it then got kicked off the setlist because certain people couldnt bother to learn it correctly ;) Im looking forward to hearing the next album with Vidal. Hope Chris lets him loose a lot more than on SA.
  14. Kristian Niemann

    Mesa TriAxis - Kristian?

    Cool, looking forward to hearing it!
  15. Kristian Niemann, really!!

    Awwwwww, thanks Rimmlokk! :)
  16. Kristian Niemann

    Gear Talk with Kristian!

    Nice! White pickups on a dark body ROCKS!
  17. Kristian Niemann, really!!

    Im all for it! Now we just need to get the record out and book a tour.... :D
  18. Kristian Niemann, really!!

    If you buy all the tickets I promise to buy you one beer per ticket! :)
  19. Kristian Niemann, really!!

    Cool! As soon as the record is out we´ll get some merch sorted. Cheers, and welcome to the forum!
  20. Kristian Niemann, really!!

    Yup, thats a shame about the solos. Christian obviously has got massive talent and potential. Maybe next record he gets to cut loose a little bit more.