Search results

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    3 bands you have never seen that you would like to see at PPUSA

    Dark Moor Grand Magus Amorphis, since I missed them last time :(
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    PPUSA XV - The Plague

    YEP. Within an hour last night I started sneezing, my throat turned into sandpaper, and my sinuses started aching. Woke up this morning unable to smell anything and am now coughing. :( I took so much Airborne, too...
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    A Midweek Mayhem THANK YOU!

    Great great great show. Thanks for putting it on!! :)
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    Cheers and Jeers 2014

    Oh man, and one last cheer, and this is a huge one: The guy in the Derdian shirt in line Thursday who gave my friends a spare ticket, thus enabling me to go to the show: You are a total total lifesaver. Please, please, if you're on here, message me so I can find you and buy you a crapload of...
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    Cheers and Jeers 2014

    CHEERS: - WEDNESDAY NIGHT!!!!! MILTON MILTON MILTON - The Seventh Wonder Rail Clan. The guy next to me came from ITALY. Some great community and dedication there. - Need! They didn't do much for me on disc, but man, they were INCREDIBLE live. What a fantastic opener on a fantastic day! -...
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    ProgPower USA XV: Tickets Wanted or For Sale

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    PP XV: Midweek Mayhem Lineup Announcement

    Scuse me while I pick my jaw off the floor...
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    Program Interviews

    The Circus Maximus interview with Mike Eriksen was hilarious! :)
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    Thanks from Myrath

    Your performance was incredible to begin with, but hearing about how you made it in spite of all the obstacles made it even more amazing. Thank YOU for destroying the place! :rock:
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    Cheers and Jeers

    Possibly! I was on her right - I can't remember what you had said, but we're definitely talking about the same person, and I was DEFINITELY relieved when I looked over and found her gone. The security dude tried communicating with her earlier, but wound up not doing anything, nor did he respond...
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    Cheers and Jeers

    Were you on the left side of the stage, by any chance? I wound up next to this drunk woman who kept trying to shove/elbow me over to block the views of the people behind me (??????). I spent the first good part of Soilwork's set being both annoyed at her behavior and concerned that she'd fall...
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    CM Distro Salutes ProgPower!

    Your stand is always awesome - thanks for having the new Turisas and other albums for so cheap! :) Yes, yes, YES! See you next year!
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    Ihsahn - New Song "Hiber"

    Very ominous. I'm looking forward to this.
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    I went to the NYC show and was a very very very happy person. :D
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    Hammerfall fans look away now

    Ralf Gyllenhammar from Mustasch actually entered this year, too, and made it all the way to the finals:
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    Hurricane Sandy Roll Call

    Made it through with just a few power flickers. A tree fell in front of our door, but that was it. Harris the Epic is okay, but from what he tells me his house is gonna need some serious fixing up. :(
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    metal stores Boston(downtown)

    Yeah, Newbury Comics has a pretty decent metal selection - new releases are usually ultra-cheap, too. The one on Newbury Street also has a huge used section, so you might be able to find something cool there.
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    Recommendations for Symphonic Black/Death Metal

    In addition to the bands already listed, check out Septic Flesh and Eternal Tears of Sorrow: Also, Theogonia by Rotting Christ might be worth looking into: