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  1. Skinny Viking

    Helion Prime - BAD ASS new power metal band

    Glad you dig it that much man ... everyone put a lot of time into it \m/
  2. Skinny Viking

    YT: The Black Stymphalian - Chaoskampf (New EP Khaos Sigma)

    there is literally nothing about this song or mix that isn't fucking awesome on all levels. Well done my friend, well done
  3. Skinny Viking

    New Machine Head Track leaked

    I've always loved MH :)
  4. Skinny Viking

    Which Sneapster would you pick to mix your album?

    in no particular order cause they all bring something badass to the table and I'd be confident in letting any of them just run with a mix and giving me a finished product: Brett Marco Lasse James Henrik who dufuq is Los? Is there another who dareth use mine nicketh name? EDIT: actually, I'd...
  5. Skinny Viking

    Trigger Toms / In Phase

    yup, exactly what I do ... OHs or in the bleed on the snare track, that tends to pick up a really nice little spike to hone in on
  6. Skinny Viking

    HAHAHAHA Blast from The Past

  7. Skinny Viking

    RTAS Distressor plugin for $1!!!!!
  8. Skinny Viking

    we need donators

    i was talking about bass string man..
  9. Skinny Viking

    we need donators

    I managed to keep a straight face until I saw this :lol:
  10. Skinny Viking

    Charles J has been ripping people off

    this is nuts but given the over use of all caps in his postings, somehow I'm not overly surprised
  11. Skinny Viking

    MIDI floorboard (MIDI MATE) anyone?

    not selling mine but I can confirm the MIDI MATE is fucking awesome and probably exactly what you're looking for
  12. Skinny Viking

    Origin Audio Kemper Profiles - Uvershall, Arkown, +0565 and more - DI/Merged

    you seriously can't go wrong with ANY profiles Marco creates. Anyone with a Kemper is just doing themselves a disservice if they don't grab these
  13. Skinny Viking

    FS: Slate VCC, VTM, VBC + Airwindows + Valhalla DSP

    I'll keep checking back ;)
  14. Skinny Viking

    FS: Slate VCC, VTM, VBC + Airwindows + Valhalla DSP

    oh well, good luck man
  15. Skinny Viking

    FS: Slate VCC, VTM, VBC + Airwindows + Valhalla DSP

    so does that mean you'd part with VBC for 45€?
  16. Skinny Viking

    Any good FREE Audiounit de-esser plugins?

    you're probably better off just manually cleaning out those "sss", "tttt', "chhhh" sounds honestly. Depending on how the vocals are stacked you may find a great setting on a de-esser for 75% of a song only to find out that the other 25% the singer now sounds like he has a lisp. It can also dull...
  17. Skinny Viking

    DAW EQs vs Waves EQs

    RenEQ and EQ III are about 80% of any EQs I use ... but couldn't agree more about wishing for a larger, updated GUI and maybe a little extra (freq analyzer perhaps) as long as it didn't compromise what I perceive to be its character
  18. Skinny Viking

    have a listen, then kill it with fire!

    thats what people call "Punk" these days?